Monday, February 21, 2011

Is There Meant To Be A Lump Inside

The recent round table on the nerves Maxxi

I went to attend the Round Table Nerves and thought about how no one has pointed out * what I wrote, everything was a sweet celebration, of ecclesia! No crisis, no conflicts, no difficulties.

Respond if you like:

Why even his assistant Antonio Michetti, who recently passed away has never been done fifty years professor and went ahead with direct responsibilities of the presidency?

Why Nervi claimed the instinct in us and has been virtually eradicated and to understand what the hell was a hinge year we have spent?

Why Nervi claimed the "few calculations' static even on the same table graphics!

And finally, in what sense Nervi ha potuto fare quello che ha fatto in un quanto aveva "un sistema chiuso che genera energia"?

ll Maxxi, che dovrebbe coltivare il nuovo, oggi celebra il Nervi didatta... Qualcuno oserà ricordare che mai fu fatto professore ordinario e che co me disdegno fu tenuto ad insegnare ad Architettura? Qualcuno ricorderà chi propose il suo nome alla costituenda facoltà di architettura invece di quello di Quaroni?


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