Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Can You Get Herpes From Jacuzzi

News from Siem Reap and its

This post is contrary to law, from the bottom (the first news) up


We are always in Phnom Bakeng, at Angkor, and what happens is pretty interesting. You can see in the picture the arrival of three cylinders for the first time will be used in a restoration site here dl WMF at Angkor.
in one of the photos you see Simon Author Warrack, ICCROM consultant based in Rome which has investigated the workers and Professor Giorgio Croci of wisdom and one of the greatest engineers in the field we will consider the ancient monuments (Tower of Pisa, and Colosseum, for instance). In other photos you see Croci Glenn Boornazian director of WMF at Angkor, principal of ICR-ICC studying the position of the cylinders.
A brief will be put into action. The temple will be raised and the stage of Consodata started.


The day after the two engineers are continuing to take over the area: they arrived at the beginning of a large stairway leading to the temple in the rock that the World Monument Fund is restoring

The World Monument Fund is about one hundred twenty people working in its restoration sites. Not only workers but also to archaeologists, conservators, ingegneri cambogiani. In questo caso dei giovani tecnici misurano, uno per uno, una serie di pietre di fondazione, le disegnano a mano su carta millimetrata e poi le riportano al Cad.


Siamo nella regione di Batdambang, dove lungo il fiume vivono su case galleggianti circa un milione di persone. Ovviamente si dedicano alla pesca in particolare, ma anche a qualche allevamento speciale tipo coccodrilli o pitoni. Arrivare in quest terriotrio (sic) via nave è come sbarcare su un altro pianeta. Noi turisti con  le nostre macchinette, i nostri jeans i nostri cappelli siamo veramente orribili, mostruosi.
Loro stanno in una sorta di dura, plastica armonia con il luogo. Dovete immaginarle però le persone.
(Va bene lo nasconderò da qualche parte e per bene il link dei "mostri".)


Fuori Siem Reap, un altro sito spettacolare, in cui grande parte delle costruzioni sono crollate and the vegetation does its job. We understand well, seeing this, as over time the vegetation is ground, burying everything in the end. Top
instead a magical forest, where once only the king could enter and take bath and shower. Today we too, if you like.


This site - Banteay Prey - is a very interesting example of wise landscape management and restoration. Edited by a team Helvetic.


I thought I'd keep you updated with just a few pictures. Here the World Moniuments Funds can not sleep at all and work hard under the direction of Glenn Boornazian.
We are in Siem Reap in Cambodia, one of the archaeological areas largest and most important in the world
Here's the place


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