Monday, March 7, 2011

Metal Core Wheels Black And Pink

tarts and other traditional Waldenses .....

I took this recipe from the cookbook of the Waldensian Valleys "Supa Barbetta, the Waldenses were called" Barbetti "by word "beard" that uncle in the Piedmont.
It 's a nice and interesting book, rich in history and ideas, illustrated by my friend Mara Mo.
For the dough: 100 grams of flour (I use the Molino Chiavazza ) 60 butter, 30 of sugar, egg yolk, grated rind of a lemon.
I wanted to make tarts, with this dose there are six.
For the filling: 150 gr
cream, 40 g sugar, 15 of flour, a little cinnamon, a bit of butter.
The tarts are filled with flour, sugar and cinnamon, pour over the cream, mix gently and cover with some butter.
I used this dough for other tarts che ho riempito con della crema di Marroni e Nocciole di Arc en Ciel che volevo provare....
Squisite tutt'e due le versioni!


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