Thursday, July 2, 2009

Tractor Birthday Cake Template


"The reality is missing a ring joint.." Onset, while the human priest, wrapped
in a spotless robe, issued his fulminations against the creeping of unruly soldiers like us. What would be cursing me in wondering silence. We fought, returning the courtesy of our host, who arrived on our world long ago, and for centuries enveloping our land with powerful psychological chains. What do you think? Become prisoners. We are born free, but then a strong inner will instinct corrupts us, dragging us into a world of rules, and taxation on higher levels of our will. Some philosophers such as human priest, called this descent into subjection to ourselves: 'Social Contract'.
The Social Contract is in fact the missing link of reality. It 's true, many animals are gregarious and are binding rules of life. A wolf would be torn to pieces by his peers if not put in place the rules of his pack, or die alone, of starvation, in a winter ice. But for a Wolf is the Pack within themselves.
- What happened to you, Anhayan? You're weird, these days .. it seems more controversial.
The priest called me after the ritual celebration, on the sidelines, in the offices of the sacristy.
- Argumentative? Your Honour, I do not understand.
I did, taking time
- I'll explain. You look lost, staring at the ceiling of the church ... What are you looking for? What distracts you?
- Your Honour wants tell me I look at another point, which is the Kaaba?
- We understand each other. In general, reptiles observe the Kaaba and its point blank to contemplate the magnificence of the Lord.
- The magnificence of the Lord, your worship, being infinite, possessing infinite steps, not always, I end up going in the hole of the Kaaba
.- - See what I'm saying? - Angrily blurted out the human. - You're controversial! The Kaaba is not a hole! -
- the Kaaba is an entry point, sir, you well know. But what is for me, how can I be, I myself, of course? It can not be sure how a human being? Listen, sir, how many times an echo of the word 'be' in our speeches?
- Just speeches ... these are not a soldier! You will have serious problems if you continue to think with this head.
- If anyone rob me.
- Ah, if you continue in this way, it will happen soon, stay safe.
- The problem now is if my head will be lost, or not. The question is the access of the divine in the wake of Kaab. For the essence of God, must pesse forced to pass through this circle of stone? Maybe God is not free to go where it finds objectionable?
- Mother of God ... This is the first of chestnut that I talk to god!
- Sauro? I am a lizard come lei voi siete un gorilla.
- I gorilla sono solo affini geneticamente all’uomo
- Anche i sauri sono solo simili a me.
- Va bene, tralasciamo il discorso sulle origini delle specie.
- Sì, trascuriamolo. E vogliamo dire alla coscienza di dio quale strada percorrere?
- No, con te non mi ci metto a parlare di teologia.
- Ma questa non è teologia. Secondo vostra signoria che cosa sarebbe?
- Discorsi fumosi attorno al nulla
- A me sembrano parole spese attraverso la cognizione di quanto stiamo vedendo ora.
- Appunto cos’è che stiamo vedendo? Nulla.
- No, stiamo contemplando il pensiero di dio and its infinite ramifications.
- Listen, son, for me, god, not a thought. It 'a concrete aspect of reality is reality.
- Reality? If I were blind, for me there is the knowledge of color?
- Sure. E 'in our memory.
- Yes, but I state this? No ... even if I could describe it in words. Take the red. I could tell you: the red is the color that infuriates the bulls. But I'm a lizard, as you say. And I do not know the bullfight. So I can not talk that way.
- Yes ... but I do not understand what you're getting.
- The reality view is the conjunction of countless other reality. Different points of view ... But nothing. Do not worry. Do not bother you anymore, and during the liturgy will try to stay longer present.
I rose from the bench, and with your permission, I took leave of the priest. I was certain that the prelate would immediately went to the Bishop to report our discussion. He would not in fact been exempt from the duty to inform his immediate superior, of such behavior by a soldier.

In the courtyard at sunset at the central shaft, usually a busy social life comes alive. Cast-off clothes of service, found the comfortable clothes of silk and cloth of other worlds, let us carry in the morning without turning on lights or street lamps, but only the lights order imposed dall’olio di una pianta sempreverde. I lumi trasmettono l’aria della sera, attraverso l’odore lievemente acre del loro bruciare. Sentendo quei fumi disperdersi nelle vie e nelle caserme, sai che l’ora del riposo sta raggiungendoti.
Stavo godendo di una cedrata fresca e addolcita con del miele, mentre i fuochi della cena si stavano alzando lungo l’orizzonte della campagna. Mi chiedevo, ormai quasi ogni sera, quanto di tutto questo fosse naturale. Perché dovevo rilassarmi su quei pochi minuti, immaginando il mio mondo come il riflesso di un cortile e un chiostro attorno a un pozzo?
- Ayhan… cercavamo te!
Mi girai verso l’origine della voce, era Ghamall. Un rettile della mia stessa ilk, like me, born from the same bloodlines.
- I've been waiting for?
- Yes, remember our commitment?
- Ah! Yes, yes. Sorry I was thoughtfully and I am lost! Sure, I'll be right, it is also to tell everyone that I'm ready! - I did, anxious for an appointment almost completely forgotten.
wore a coat of soft cloth, suitable for protecting the shoulders from rubbing of the strap. So I accollai the Shurana and apprestai me to reach my friends.
We played until the first light of dawn, when the rays of the sun did go, go, hot, we decided to conclude our little concert in the square.
now they were all gone to rest, and I did not stay for two hours, before resuming service.
do not know why I lost all those hours of sleep in a desperate attempt to make music, but I did it. The music was lost everywhere in the warm summer evenings, between the rocks are still hot on the day, bodies tense and sweaty from the hard work, wet the throats of cedar and honey. Perhaps this was what I tried: making the world alive. Our world, the Square, that is, with a well in center, surrounded by a cloister, closed to the rest of reality.
rest, after having treated the fat with palm on the strings, my Shurana. The closed in the sheath, and put it on a shelf in the wall.
I used to keep hanging of the newspaper articles that I printed from my computer, same on the wall. I kept them there, as if to face a challenge in outline. The last was an account of a user of the virtual pages:

'The Sokoz decides to put a limit on the emissions of sound events in tribal still new prohibitions on the traditional instruments of reptiles do not belong to Sokoz. Three other instruments have been banned. From now on these musical instruments are strictly prohibited:
.... ' The

Shuntana was one of the first to be banned. The stringed instruments were eliminated almost all of the top power outlet Sokoz. Sokoz going to Sopol kominte Zurama: union administrative Central. And 'the political arm of the lizards' high'. The Sauri High are the winners of the war, along with the people of the Mammals of North America. Both highs, as the Nordics do not like making music, in fact, it seems the hate. People like me and many of those who belong to the same breed of priest, humans, however, have an idea and a love for music quite different. People like me find the music around which the fire listening to stories of lost ancient worlds, and humans want to dance around the fire. We rarely sing, but it happens. More frequent are the human voice to sing melodies. But by time we were forbidden to listen to the song. Then the ban was extended to humans, they do not had to sing again. The voice was the first instrument to be banned. But in my barracks
something musical was tolerated. Our commander was a reasonable person and thought that the prohibition on the passions would run for his troops, he left so many of us, the secret inclinations.
Despite the tolerance of sporadic concerts put to good standing, by a trio of stories, with only a Shurana a Recorder and a narrator, no one here could hear the singing of humans. The human soldiers were separated from us. We lived in different times and places. Runs a story between the two species, so horrible to them to be separated by a wall of hatred and mutual incomprehension. It is said that about settantamilioni years ago the world was shocked by a global thermonuclear bomb. Or rather, the bombing is to talk about my race, humans, unlike, say it was a meteorite, an accident is natural. But this different vision of the event has a specific historical setting. We have been scientifically 'extinct' from our world to the will of Sokoz. After us comparsero early humans. In fact we like them, we are contemporaries. And maybe we are a little more 'new' humans. The Sokoz, the High Sauri, saw that we were good elements to serve in an army and managed to give laborers to their worlds, and then did not allow us to live in a world nostro, ne’ di evolvere altre classi produttrici o una società diversa, da quella in cui viviamo da ere. Al contrario gli umani non essendo molto abili alle mansioni militari, ne’ all’esplorazione di altri universi, rimasero nel loro mondo. Il problema è che se pure la mia gente fosse rimasta nello stesso mondo originario, si sarebbe incontrata con gli umani, ed è probabile che tale incontro non fosse stato accettabile per i parametri evolutivi programmati dal Sokoz e dai Nordici. Sicchè una delle due specie avrebbe dovuto lasciare il campo libero all’altra. Si decise di ‘estinguere’ dal mondo la nostra gente, e mantenervi la famiglia umana. Oggi anche questa ha raggiunto un modello adeguato di funzionamento to be employed in the army lines. Although it is not operating effectively, the human race, began to cover some interesting assignments. She took part in the war, and this was a point of friction between the Nordic and Sokoz. These people wanted to cover a human places of strategic power, even without experience, it 'worth of War. Some humans began to administer some religious sites operated by the power of the Nordics. The Sokoz, reluctantly, accepted the situation, but with one proviso: that indicated by the Nordic ministers were also authorized by the central government. So
us who have been slaughtered on the fields of war, we are now forced to hear sermons from who, instead, it has always been to live in peace in his world. Today I do not care more than the troubles of endurance in such nonsense, I used to live next to the political paradoxes. But come to think of the bitter blood always comes back. Unlike when I was younger, now I know that the blame for what happened, not so much belongs to the thermonuclear bomb, or meteorite, as to our starvation and ignorance, who has linked to an unjust fate of blood. It was as if the memory and consciousness of an entire living species had died out at the same time as absurd accident crashed in the air of the sky, burning everything that existed until then. And time, like space and the light of my people had been sucked into the black hole of the explosion.


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