Wednesday, July 8, 2009

The Prices To Sell Pokemon Cards Chart


La sveglia interruppe il sonno della camerata.
Siamo in quattro a dormire nella stanza. Una bella conquista, dopo il grado di Capitano! Ero da sempre uso nel condividere il mio sonno con almeno una quarantina di altri miei simili.
Da quando ho data nella memoria, non ricordo una sola notte trascorsa in un letto solitario. Ma se si vive così a lungo in battaglia, tanto da raggiungere il mio grado, i materassi della camerata diminuiscono esponenzialmente. In futuro, dovessi sopravvivere ancora alla guerra, forse raggiungerò il letto singolo. Ma non era la guerra a minare le mie mire di longevità.

Desto, mi trascinai verso il bagno, mi lavai, pensando al mio incontro con il Vescovo.
Forse la cosa più temibile della death in battle was his own suspicions about my behavior. But not manifested, at least he did not openly, the desire to punish my conduct with the human priest. Indeed, in my agenda today, I would have to play a delicate task on his behalf. In less than two hours, I was supposed to be in his presence. I nodded, too, about the possible presence of an 'upper hierarchy', which he chaired the meeting. I never liked the upper hierarchy. The Sauri High seem to have married to them instead. They have subjection almost revolting against these creatures, of which even I know well how they are made. But you can serve in a race do not even know the features?
We remain neutral and unfathomable, the visceral love the High Sauri have for the upper hierarchy. Humans, however, I can not say much. Seems to obey anyone who gives them a possible security, that they can be powerful in their own world as inviolable. But it is my impression. Maybe I'm wrong. I do not have the pleasure to have met many humans in my life, the few I met were mostly clerics.

Clerics belonging to a caste 'property', from our point of view: that some schools are from military-esoteric, and are trained only to carry out their ministry in the Episcopal structure. In practice, the class 'bourgeois' serving the bishops to keep track of incomes, and not only in temples. I'm kind of pallottolieri Templar. Are unlikely to fall within the framework of the Alliance, and are not warriors or clever strategists experts. Humans seem to tropical fish that swim in the Arctic currents.

The meeting was imminent. I adjusted the collar of his uniform. I had worn the uniform of history, because of the presence of a higher hierarchy.
Calzai the plumed helmet, sword belt, and my blue silk sash encircled her hips.

walked down the hall, as he walked in that moment, I thought the cave hidden in a secret cave, buried for ages for lost time.
La luce delle plafoniere sulle pareti a volta, rimbalzava sui miei schinieri d’oro. Il leggero clangore della spada, sbattuta contro la cintura, segnava i miei passi, come un orologio acustico. Giunsi al portone nero, oltre il quale vi era la Zona Vescovile. Le guardie mi salutarono scattando sull’attenti. Ricambiai il saluto. Notai che indossavano la livrea d’onore, allora mi fu chiaro: la Zona Vescovile era abitata, in quel momento, anche da una Gerarchia Superiore.
La sala era quella enorme, dedicata alle riunioni con le Istanze Alte (quelle, in parole più pratiche, appartenenti alle razze la cui stazza corporea supera il 2 metri di altezza e i duecento chili di peso) Le Istanze Alte rappresentano il supreme command of the Alliance, so much the Lacerta, the Humans are not covered in any part of the high command. The upper hierarchy instead are the next step with High Instances, in the command. Who am I? No one can say with certainty. Bishops can only know the name of a higher hierarchy. No amount may be less aware of their names.
I stepped into the room.
- Gentlemen, the Captain of the kingdom of Anhayan Sylverlan is at your presence.
The Bishop, in a slow and stately are the face, leaving his mantle floating on his back.
- Captain, well, you've been waiting for. Come forward.
obeyed. I saw beyond the table Meeting an imposing figure, but at the same time, light, wrapped in a blinding white light. It was the shape of the upper hierarchy. Even this he turned to me. As soon as his blue eyes cold, oceanic, with no expression, I was over, I had to lower my knees.
was the Bishop to break the terrible silence.
- Lord - he said, turning to the upper hierarchy - Captain Anhyan soldier is more suited to the kind of operation to be carried out.
The hierarchy did not utter any order, only nodded coldly to the words of the bishop. They went on:
- Anhyan comes from a bloodline selected to hold the information sui Culti Misterici. – diceva mentre stavo ancora in ginocchio. Non potevo scrutare i miei superiori nel volto mentre disquisivano, ma udivo i loro discorsi.
La gerarchia superiore finalmente emise alcune parole, con una voce sottile, pacata, al limite della docilità. Non mi ci abituerò mai a quella voce. Sembra di ascoltare il vecchio saggio della montagna, ma dietro a quella voce si cela il profondo mistero della Gerarchia: un essere la cui perversione e malvagità segue di pari passo la sua immaginazione.
Disse, rispondendo al Vescovo:
- La linea della selezione di Syverlen…E’ l’unico ceppo genetico autorizzato a mantenere nelle memorie quelle Tradizioni. Sì, abbiamo fatto un good job. - Concluded smugly.
So with a nod to the Bishop, urged him to explain the details of the assigned mission.


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