Saturday, July 11, 2009

Church Sunday Program


- Ascoltami Anhyan, è di vitale importanza che tu comprenda ora le mie direttive. Non potrò più intervenire, in avanti, per darti spiegazioni. E’ importantissimo, quindi, che tu capisca adesso!
- Vi sto ascoltando, Signore. – feci.
Il tono del Vescovo era calmissimo, come un potente fiume che scava, a viva forza nelle ere, canyon… Continuò:
- Capitano, dobbiamo procedere a un ‘recupero’.
- Un Protocollo Delta U10?
- Esattamente, ma è obbligatorio un silenzio assoluto sulla faccenda. I tuoi unici referenti per qualsiasi comunicazione a riguardo, dovrà essere solo, ripeto, solo, chi è presente in questa sala. E’ ovvio che l’unico superiore al quale puoi rivolgere la parola, qui inside I am. So me and only me, you talk if you encounter problems. But consider this: the place where you will be sent, it is likely that we could not contact us. Sari you alone there. Maybe you can not even send me any messages from the brain booster. You will be in total darkness. If you should happen to die, or worse, do not hesitate to instantly incinerate your body. You can not be captured, your genetic strain was selected with altered cell, through which, your body will suddenly explode, leaving no trace. I know you know. All the 'bearers of the mystery cults of Lacerta' they know it. We can not afford mistakes in this area.
Those words, uttered so much cold as aseptic gave me nausea. I do not remember the first time my eyes met the gaze of cobalt blue irises, icy light, the bishop. But certainly very little else could have seen before. My mother? No memory. Only moments. I briefly heard the heartbeat of my mother. It was my home then. My first discovered the world: my mother's chest as I heard the thud that deep and weary. Then there was another, only the blue eyes of Bishops.
All my life I was thrown from world to world, to fight, or 'retrieve'. Since rose to the rank of lieutenant became a recovery. Scorching
to know what it was my destiny, I tried to speed up:
- Lord, let me ask you details on the protocol ...
U10 - Sure. I appreciate your willingness to work.
with slow and stately, the Bishop moved on the panel of holographic transmission. He danced his finger in the air and immediately took the form of liquid on a wall of the sequence of circles 'Shunzo mnir', our time-space mapping of the quadrants. The bishop is an elegant minuet with the index finger, hitting one of those circles, who reacted like a pond suddenly hit by a stone.
expanded its concentric circles, until it becomes large as our own room. Then the scene was familiar: the sequence of enpeptidi, our points of reference of the time-space.
- These are the coordinates of where the recovery will occur. - Said the Bishop. I watched the whole
well designed from the sequence and replied:
- Lord, is not the world towards which we are sailing?
- It is. But do not worry about it. We know the region better than its own inhabitants.
- E 'inhabited by humans, is not it?
- It 's true. But do not think they are similar to our priests, dear Anhyan. Humans are a different breed ...
land - And ... and how do they differ from their fellow priests?
- First of all, most of them are mostly a flock anonymous, which pulses rather low, easy to restrain. There are thousands that fail to contain their lust for chaos, by a slavish and constant monitoring of these infinitesimally small needs. And if any among them should learn to be better, surpassing its imi instincts, such as simple reaction we would only increase his needs.
- They're all like that?
- not all but most. But since you have to work with 'not all that' I have to warn you. If they discover your identity or they catch you in the size U10-A, where you act, there will be no hope for you, you slaughtered ... And believe me, if you detach from the flock of their kind, these people become very adept perceive in your steps. The U10 is the One-dimensional parallel more dangerous for those who must work closely with these individuals. But it is the only one that allows to optimally interfere with the size of their world. I say, in ten thousand years of working with this small group of humans, I lost many units. Do you trust more: a hundred rescue missions, only two or three, are back. It 's a huge sacrifice of elements valid, a colossal waste of resources in the selection of the bloodlines of your kind, suitable for this purpose, with a sacred purpose. For this purpose, conscious part of you die, your silence on the sad fate .-
- I swear this, Lord. Death does not bother me at all.
In reality at that moment my mind flashed the thought: no one gave me an alternative. The 'sacred aim' of my superiors had always been my one tomorrow.
The Bishop nodded: - Well, then proceed with the display of details.
then listened to the mission
- The recovery will take place on a human subject, who apparently acquired some information, which we are not sure about the origin. We think, however, that the detector is a hostile element, or, worse, a traitor Lacerta. -
With a lump in my throat, I asked the reason for that idea.
The Bishop answered: - Why is that person knows the array of tables Misteriche, e si tratta di un’informazione assolutamente irraggiungibile per un abitante di quel mondo. E’, quindi, logico che possieda un canale di informazione. E l’unico canale oltre il Rango Nero, o un Lacerta della tua linea di sangue, può essere solo un Elemento Ostile.
- Un…un Elemento Ostile?.... – balbettai con ansia crescente.
- Sì, ha inteso bene. –
- C’è da preoccuparsi? Come faccio a battermi se lo incontro? Non possiedo uno stato adeguato a sostenere un duello…- continuai
- Lo so benissimo. I Lacerta non hanno ma combattuto con un Elemento Ostile. A dire il vero non sappiamo neppure che reazioni potresti avere nell’incontrarlo.
- Ma if I have to deal with it, I do not steal my fate. Usai
the target instead of the subjunctive, because now I considered the whole affair as the thin, evil, punishment of the Bishop to my thirst for philosophy ... and because it felt like a sentence from my inalienable future.
- Very good. - Said, in response to my statement - I rejoice in being able to be served by such an efficient scale. I will think much of your courage if you manage to stay alive, Captain. -


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