Monday, July 6, 2009

How Do I Get A Paint Brush To Hold Poptropica


there is no natural end in memory of those like me.
are seeing the powerful show of the universe from a balcony of the theater is too high. And the thin pink line on the horizon of our eyes is nothing else than a virtual reflection of a desire. I was in the hall of memories for that, that evening. Contemplating a light flowing like water from the large central diamond native mountains, but I was not alone. Beside me there were other officers, all reptiles.
- Yesterday I had that dream again ... - I told Hemeyunn, a ragazza di qualche anno meno di me, un capo manipolo delle unità mediche. La donna aveva un’aria stanca e afflitta, mentre si aggiustava l’asciugamano immacolato sulle spalle. L’aiutai a calzarlo, quindi le dissi:
- Perché dobbiamo sbatterci così per qualche sogno?
- Ma ogni santissima notte!! Ti rendi conto?? Perché?
- A dire il vero non lo so il perché… Ma piano, piano, in quest’astronave tutti stiamo scivolando verso questi …sogni…-
- Che cosa vuoi dire? Che stiamo facendo tutti lo stesso sogno?-
- Ne abbiamo parlato…Sì. Sempre quella donna che scappa disperata sul crinale di una collina, wrapped in swaddling clothes with a little luck. Both are covered with rags, despair, flee without looking back, as if death hunt them mercilessly ... The chief
- And the sun? There is no sun in that dream. Everything has a light dull, cold, sometimes I can see the tracker ...
- Oh yeah? This is a new thing ... tell me.
you: - It is unclear, it seems a group of the Knights Templar this ... you human? The ones you see on TV ... with white armor and puzzles ... -
-? Yes ... I have in mind what you say, the Templars.
- The Templars, of course. But I do not see his face, they have their helmets. And a banner is being carried out to the team of pursuers, from one of the riders .. It '... an eagle an eagle with outstretched wings, and his chest is carved the face of a lion ...
- Um ... all land animals.
- are familiar, for that matter we are studying the nature of terrestrial life.
- ... Yeah - I did, sighing. - Now do 'Silence! - Snapped up. The girl was terrified, but then realized the reason for my jump.
- Commander! - I yelled.
The room was huge and advanced the imposing figure of a bishop. Everyone jumped to attention.
Bishop stopped on the entry. I glanced almost grim, with his gray eyes, cold lakes as a planet without life.
- Anhayan ... I have to talk to you, join me on the Bridge Guard .- made, dry,
without delay. Then he turned, leaving the big black cloak floating on his back as he walked away. I snapped to attention.
soon as he was away, out of sight, we all relaxed.
The doctor looked at me worried: - O God, who knows what he wants from you, with that tone! - He told me.
shook my face, replying: - I do not know ... maybe the breath of some spy ... - I said, thinking human being and to our priest about the dialectic.

apprestai I go in the infinite corridor that separated our area from the town of our school. I carried a burden, like a pilgrim on the Via Romea: the offering of my conscience in my duty as officer. At the end of that burden I would have had to spend in one way or another: by paying a token of a life without too many moral issues, or leaving it where he knew his true destiny: to the sources of my life, you know where they were. The door gray
reflected light and dense metal on the outside walls. I indicated that I was in front triangle mated to the room of my superior.
- His Eminence, I am in relationship. -
I jumped to attention.
The impressive body of Prince clad in black, I was standing behind me. Expected in a deadly silence his voice. But for a few moments I did not hear anything. I stood there, waiting for his voice. He shook his head, then turned majestically toward me.
- Anhayan, you know what your destiny?
He asked me, with the husky timbre and depth of these beings.
_-Lord? Do not ... do not understand.
- your destiny. Your oath Anhyan
- My oath? I am a Captain of the Holy Syrian Army, my Lord.
- Indeed. And for those who fight?
- For Sacred Kingdom of Sirius, Lord.
- Sure ... - he said, with a calm left.
- Lord ... I do not understand ...
- Perché, cosa c’è da capire, Anhyan?
- Il motivo per cui mi ha chiamato a rapporto.
- Ti ho chiamato qui, Capitano per sincerarmi su una fastidiosa storia.
Capii allora che il prete aveva soffiato tutto sulla nostra conversazione. Cercai di evitarmi le ire funeste del Vescovo, anticipando con la mia versione, la faccenda.
- Signore, posso parlare?
- Parla
- Se la storia fastidiosa si riferisse alla mia abitudine di intraprendere disquisizioni filosofeggianti con i prelati umani…
- In effetti. Mi spieghi cosa c’entra il tuo destino di soldato del regno con la filosofia?
- La filosofia, signore? La filosofia…nulla. Non serve a nulla. Ma la mente conserva l’istinto di pensare. Anche in guerra.
- Se quell’istinto persevera in pensieri che allontanano dalla certa via indicata, non è contemplabile nei nostri pensieri.
- Ma io…chiedo scusa, Signora, cosa vi farebbe pensare che io mi stia allontanando dalla Via?
- Il sacerdote mi ha riferito che durante il rito non osservi la contemplazione alla Kabbà. Questo è altamente sconveniente, specie per un ufficiale, che dovrebbe essere d’esempio per il resto dell’esercito.
- Se è solo questo, Signore…Dissi al prete umano che la mente spesso vaga nell’infinità della volta sacra, attratta dall’estasi della contemplazione…non sempre gli occhi fissi su un punto indicano la vera meditazione…-
- Ti sbagli, Anhyan. La mia specie conta cento milioni di anni di storia, e da questa immensità temporale ha dettato i principi per il culto di Jehovea al resto dei popoli nell’universo. La Legge è stata portata negli angoli più oscuri dei mondi abitati, perché essi non cadessero nel caos e nella barbarie. La Legge è stata affidata al Sacro Esercito del quale tu sei parte, perché fosse rispettata senza appello alcuno. E’ di infinita importanza che il culto da noi imposto ai nostri soldati venga rispettato fin nei dettagli più impercettibili.
- Capisco…ma… cosa vi è di sbagliato in choosing the pilgrimage of their own eyes rather than the fixity of the pupil, to follow the contemplation ...?
- What? You can not even look out to its importance. We begin the whole cause of this need, but not you, nor human, nor any other species could understand it. You have invoked an oath once, remember?
- I remember it, Lord ... of course.
- Well, then tell me how it ends ...
- How does it end? Yes ... ends like this: 'To Allath, Shalzad carpeted, I have the neighbors Anunkat, I invoke the clemency of Jehovea and its genie, and I swear I strongly defend the sacred word del Regno Unificato di Sirio, di combattere per l’inviolabilità del suo soglio, senza lesinare nulla di me, sino a versare il mio sangue e lasciare agli dei creanti il mio ultimo respiro. Giuro questo, e se non dovessi, per viltà, rispettare questo giuramento, venga io maledetto e mi si sfasci la Casa, la mia gente mi rinneghi, la mia terra mi affami. ’ … Ecco, termina in questo modo il Giuramento, signore.
- Bravo…ottima esposizione, sono colpito dalfatto che tie ne ricordi in modo così nitido – esordì il Vescovo. – Il Tradimento è una cosa indecente. Ne convieni?
- Il tradimento? E’ un atto orribile, certo, Signore.
- Indegno for a fighter. Even more if he is a captain in the ranks of an army at the time and sacred to the gods.
- I agree - I was beginning to fear, the voice of the bishop was paternalistic, but also an unreal calm.
- Say no more, I understand your intelligence. I expect a lot from you. A captain is worth infinitely more than a mere servant of the altar. For me, the merits acquired in the field of war are not the same as what has been snatched ... Now it politically as well. I am sure your complete fidelity.
- Thank you Lord - I snapped to attention, and obeyed, leaving the room.

I went back to our area. Looking back the tunnel I seemed to hear again the words of the Bishop, echoing, grim in my mind ... and the acclamation of his confidence knew of his hand ...


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