Sunday, July 5, 2009

Satellite Game Camera

The Wild Sky HAQQAD

The Heart of the Forest Haqqad
[full story]

When one of your fellow soldier dies on board the spaceship, felt his breath long goodbye of the hangar decks, the corridors linking up with internal galleries, and cabs of observation. His breathing is calling you along the usual paths taken every day along with your friend and brother. He does not go away never go away permanently, but you have left something of his spirit, beside him. I knew since Haqqad were very small. We had the same sculptor of war, we have grown in the same Syrian farm, studied the same arts of war with the same teachers. And we have specialized in one discipline in School: Analysis of Human Behavior, ACU.
We took the degrees in the same period, and occupied an equal role, although Haqqad was considered the senior service. This is because his wisdom during missions has often been very successful operations difficult and very thin. His calmness, wisdom, and inspiration to the master donavano a great capacity to resolve questions hostile to our species on Earth. And his advice was often heard from the Commander. I did not mind having him as my diretto superiore nella Squadra.
La missione stavolta era stata escogitata per ottenere consenso degli umani circa l’utilizzo di certe fonti di energia naturale: i soffioni di vapor acqueo che caratterizzavano la piccola provincia di Hookpeak, una comunità di montagna, vicino ai confini canadesi. Si doveva preparare tutto in modo non violento, perché il Comandante stava conducendo con un certo successo alcune operazioni diplomatiche con il Canada e gli stati USA ai confini. Una volta rese ‘docili’ quelle provincie, sarebbe rimasta dell’ostilità solo negli stati del Sud degli States, come la California, la Florida e il Texas… Ma un problema alla volta, si disse fra noi.
Haqqad venne chiamato a pianificare the mission. And I with him. We work mainly in the field, so working on a control station in the small mountain village of Hookpeak.
And here our story begins.
The country is located on an Indian reservation, a bronze-skinned men and archaic features live there, speak a language other than English, which is unique in its kind: no grammar human approaches to the familiar. I have never met such mammals.
- are descendants of the Shawnee ... -
Haqqad He said that instead it was quite experienced in this type of human beings.
- indeed belong to a strain older, much older ... So much so that their language risulta unica. Vengono dal profondo nord, non si può stabilire con precisione il luogo esatto, e soprattutto non si vuole stabilire.-

Le parole di Haqqad mi riportavano alla mente uno dei motivi per cui mi rimane difficile capire i terrestri: la loro contraddizione in termini di ‘pacifismo’.
Ma non potevo chiedere molto su quell’argomento, il nostro compito era troppo delicato e una mia simile curiosità sarebbe stata scambiata per un atto ostile nei confronti degli umani. Però condussi alcune ricerche per mio conto. E mi accorsi che effettivamente quei nativi non erano Shawnee puri ma antichissimi uomini-cacciatori, di una tribù oggi estinta dalle antichissime quanto oscure tradizioni.

- Non indagare troppo, caro Makko, - mi consigliò il mio amico. – Non siamo qui per questi uomini, ricordalo! –
Una volta, passeggiando per il villaggio, mi sentii osservato. Le case, tutte dai tetti spioventi e in fila fra loro, donavano al paese un aspetto davvero ancestrale. Giunsi davanti a una chiesa cattolica. Recava ancora la vecchia scritta: ‘Missione Cristiana dell’Ordine dei Padri Cristoforiani’. Da sempre sono tentato nell’oltrepassare l’uscio del sagrato di una chiesa cristiana, ma mi è impedito. In quanto ‘rettile’ non ho un buon rapporto con i sacerdoti di questo culto. Per motivi diplomatici evitiamo quindi di superare quell’ingresso. Ma stavolta non ebbi the courage to resist my instincts, and entered. The church was very beautiful and austere. The large wooden crucifix loomed over the apse and seemed to warn me from taking another step forward. I tried to avoid this warning and I forwarded the information in the aisle. The suggestion perhaps of all the stories I had heard about the relationship Christian Reptile Man, I started growing anxiety, but I continued my exploration. Of course if one of them had seen me, I would not be left intact! One thing struck me very much in that building: the paintings. All related to a kind of 'war' against an obviously be reptilian, perhaps a dragon, and the people who had fought in the somatic a bit ' different from the inhabitants of the country. I understood why nobody wants us in Christian churches, but I did not think the hatred in my class could be so designed living!
It 's also true that not always the case.

"From Hell I cry, my Lord ..." read written on the lintel of the apse.
Hell? But hell is not eternal damnation in the religion of Christians in the West? Humans are made in this way: they have their plans, their world, their iron laws, but each community harbors a microcosm, a substrate 'other' from the surface world known. In every human there is a kind of 'secret diary' that separates it from the rest of his kind.
I was so engrossed in my speculations on humans that I noticed a major presence behind me. I turned and I saw the figure bouncing dark and inhospitable of 'temporary landlord'. The priest was dressed in black, and then realized it was a Catholic. - I'm sorry ... I, I did not want to be pushy ... but this church is really beautiful ... - I said, hoping not to stir up trouble 'diplomats', Haqqad because otherwise it would kill me after all the effort to appease the residents of the community! The priest sighed, almost with a sense of superiority, then deigned to reply:
- Yes, it is a beautiful building, they erected in seventeen hundred, and all the carvings that adorn the back at that time. -

In his words could be perceived the question: "What the hell you do, damned reptile in my church?" I replied instinctively to quell'inespresso question:

- I came only to see these woods and these works on the walls ... I go now

.- The priest stopped me as I was pulling the door. I turned around, curious.
- Mr ... - I did and I to him:
- My name is Mak. - And the human
: - Well Mr. Mak, non abbia fretta nell’andarsene. Io sono Padre Harmon, e forse non è una coincidenza che l’abbia trovata nella mia Chiesa. –
Rientrai nell’edificio, disorientato.
Lui continuò: - Lei è il ‘collega’ dell’Alieno Haqqad, non è così? -
- Il Capitano Haqqad è il mio diretto superiore, in effetti. –
Il Sacerdote mi invitò ad accomodarmi su una delle panche, cosa che mi lasciò perplesso.
Mi sedei.
– Sa che questa Casa di Dio è stata eretta a memoria di un’epica battaglia divina? –
mi fece. – Il Drago venne ucciso da San Giorgio, mentre sembrava che tutto fosse perduto per la gente del villaggio assediata dalla bestia. Iddio lo mandò per liberare gli uomini dalla presenza del mostro, sicché questi furono liberati dal male… e voltarono finalmente i loro cuori a Cristo… -

Mi insospettì, ma sperai che continuasse quello strano racconto. L’umano invece si fermò, levò i suoi occhi grigi, dai tipici riflessi di vetro, verso la volta dell’abside.
-…Dovunque l’uomo abbia raggiunto l’abisso della sofferenza invoca il Padre, perché invii nuovi emissari di Luce… -
– Non capisco cosa mi sta raccontando, soprattutto perché me lo sta raccontando, signore…- feci. L’uomo mi fissò, poi replicando, said
- Be careful, because this community in the heart of St. George's spirit ... And there are many who see the Knights of the Dragons once again lay siege to the human community. Haqqad was once a friend of mine helped me in some research. But now I can indulge on my positions. I am the Chaplain of the Order, and still does not receive the Dragons. Haqqad knew I wanted this. There will be confrontations if the dragon will leave this country voluntarily. San Giorgio is not wielding his sword in vain ... -

I was terrified. - Father ... Harmon is threatening me and my brothers? - I asked, transfixed by a horrible feeling.
The man looked at me, smiled and replied in a superficial way:
- It is absolutely not a threat, this. Take it for a certainty, however. Tell your captain that soon there may be a terrible battle ... It is absolutely pointless killing me, guys. I am only the messenger of the Order, the events will happen without me. -

I stood up and left the Church. If the horizon of trouble disrupting diplomatic mission would not have been by some of my foray into that building!
I went to base camp, looking Haqqad.
A young researcher told me that she had seen him walk the forest path that leads to Native Reserve. With a heavy boulder on my stomach, I walked along that route I travel, so narrow that they can barely walk.
courses, to be honest, until you reach the heart of the Indian Reservation.
I moved through typical prehistoric tents erected in memory of a world long gone, looking for my Captain Elder.
A huge bronze-skinned man suddenly stopped my search.
hair in braids as thick as tree branches, adorned with hawk feathers, gave me the impression of a warrior in front of the ancestral, and I stopped swelling with a strange sense of respect. I asked him, almost appalled, about Haqqad. But he did not have the minimum flicker of emotion. I began to feel strange in my forebodings. The man noticed my discomfort.
- Do you know why you brought up here? - He told me.

I had a shot: I had become nervous, sad, too restless to think. He gave no heed to my emotions and went on:
- You have to learn something, listen. Haqqad we already knew everyone in this village. We Hoorweek: ancient family of hunters from the cold deserts of the Far North - East We are the shamans who received the first of the Mind ... Haqqad Sirius has gone far beyond the normal way and now look no shamanic, now you could not more find him ... He can not fight anymore others prepare against the war that his father, the Dragon. But instead you're strong. He has you trained to follow the ways of the ancestral home. Now be brave. Do not be left alone. But he knows that the dragon will fight a lot and will sacrifice for leave to completion the work of your King is the only way satiated with blood other men will sit with you, and treat. Haqqad you have always loved you. But now, look no ... - I was so disoriented that

anger and sadness mounted together in a swirl of dark feelings.
Haqqad Where? They had done? Why the Natives took a similar position in relation to their peers in the country? What did they want from us?

Scansai Man angry with a shudder, I was appalled by the premonition that something terrible had happened to my friend. Far away, looking toward a fence I noticed a movement of humans. I went up, accompanied by my horrible feeling. I threw myself over the fence and reached the heart of this teeming human. I let out a cry of despair. Haqqad was poured on the ground. A devastating injury had literally opened the chest. The ground was soaked with his blood. In his right hand holding a sword heavy, I recognized was Shallenn, his sword, the blade of his tribe.
Possible? I looked around a man dressed in a white tunic instead brandished another blade.
- It was you ... - growled. But everything I did
think of a duel.
In that case no one was guilty. Haqqad honor was dead. But how could I be sure? I could not take the weapon from my friend, although I had always promised that if he died before me, Shallenn would have been mine, now was not ready to avenge his master.
because I would bring back from Cape Race of the Tribe, to pass it in my hands. But at that moment was captured in a vivid dream and reality: Haqqad was standing in front of me and without a trace of that horrible wound. He had sacrificed for me to lead a successful mission that? And why?

- Now the Knights are satiated with the blood of the Dragon: My time has ended in the world. You are the one who will complete the mission and will have the honor of the sign Real ... My duty was another ... -

Those words shook me to the depths of the soul. Haqqad was really a great sage. And maybe all he has accomplished, was destined to be the story of another world or Sirius, or the Earth. Now I'm
Spaceship Commander, despite not being from the Military School, the Mission had an excellent outcome and the consequences have been a reinforcement of our lines of advanced ... but why all this happened? Still I miss the sense of design and his friends Haqqad shamans. I know they want, which is not the War between Earth and Sirius. But they worked because our troops are power ... Why? To what end? I do not ever stop to ask myself these questions, and plan out other missions, I write reports for our Sovereign, wonder fighters Humans. I continue to wonder in this war because of the sacrifice of the Dragon ... Haqqad.



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