Monday, July 20, 2009

Leave Letter Griha Pravesh


The human subject.
I had no idea, again, the human that would follow and before long had taken against his will. The bishop gave me the documentation. I read with care every detail about his genetic folder and predisposition to the computer to activate the virtual reality room. Generally most of my study on the subject follows the reconstruction of where she lives. Regeneration, using data gathered from the 'Pointers' (people trained, selected specific lines of blood, put on the heels of the subjects to levy in order to intercept them and provide detailed information on those around them), the human environment in virtual . There, I train to move, not to leave too much to chance. Another important section of my preliminary study, I get talking directly with the 'my pointer'. Drawing Every officer has his own 'pointer'. The two are linked by a direct hierarchical link of 'superiority' (the taking) and 'subordinate' (the pointer). It 's like a hunter with his dog at a standstill. It is a collection of hunting action. While
flowed chromosomal sequences of the human subject HPL021 general, and its first filing, my professional performance anxiety was appeased.
'Female, 25 years, caucasian ... Education: Bachelor's degree in medieval literature. Current
Sport: horseback riding (not racing), performed in the past Sport: Cross Country (not racing) ... 'A person
seemingly' quiet 'then. I thought. Sport Studies and led me to believe that they face a creature with no special propensity to violence. I should not have to fight, then.
The mission, if it were not for disturbing the preliminary recommendations of the Bishop, did not seem to raise concerns.
I should meet with the pointer on that day, at night. He was returning from the human world from a few hours, and was unzip it into a breakfast room. The 'relief' is mostly a mental level. The Pointer, literally, 'fill' of information, the mind and the nervous system. The selection made in a complete and targeted by the Bishops, the genetic code pointers so it has boosted the boundless reach of memory. And besides, his mental capacity. A pointer stores images, sounds and smells in a way so as not so fast essere eguagliato ancora da alcun tipo di tecnologia cinematografica.
C’è un effetto collaterale molto serio: il Puntatore se non ‘decomprime’ la sua mente e la sua memoria dalle informazioni più emotive, entrate attraverso un fortissimo legame empatico con il ‘Puntato’, viene a soffrire di una seria e letale crisi di identità.
E non è destino di un Puntatore morire di vecchiaia. Ormai è frequente che questi individui muoiano suicidi o drogati. La decompressione non è ancora un processo stabilizzato.

Ormai era l’ora dell’appuntamento.
Nella stanza dell’incontro si presentò il mio subalterno.
- Capitano, sono a tua disposizione. – made the Pointer with the usual ritual formula.
I greeted him, and I did accommodate.
- We begin our study? - I asked, knowing the difficulties of
decompression. He nodded positively.
Well, then we begin. - Included - For a start, do give me a character profile of the subject. The Pointer
cleared his throat and looked at an invisible point of the room, as if there is explained a sheet film before him. He waited for a moment, as if that 'cinema' imponderable in front of him were taken to transmit ... patient. A pointer is acting according to different cognitive processes.
So he spoke, in a wild stream associations between ideas and mental images
- La Donna is very talented. It has great visual energy, if it is inside the ancient craft of words. No one taught him, comes from a limitless memory. There is a lot of heat around her. The presence is manifested through the impetuous wave of his thoughts. -
stopped the description of the pointer. And I asked him another piece of information:
- now I want an overview of the environment around the subject. The Pointer
had something similar to a cameraman attempt to move his camera on a broad goal.
- She is surrounded by a bush of thorns. Many have approached the woman with dark purposes. Cercavano il Libro Mastro del Mestiere.
Sobbalzai. Forse stavamo puntando il giusto bersaglio. Però attesi ancora un po’ prima di intervenire sul beraglio, cercando una visuale ancora più ampia per capire ogni dettaglio. Chiesi, ancora:
- Bene, adesso però gradirei un panorama ancora più ampio. Dimmi fin dove puoi scrutare.
Il Puntatore cercò in quell’insondabile pellicola nella sua mente.
- La Donna è una bambina cresciuta in un Istituto Religioso. Ci sono persone con una divisa attorno a lei.
- Divisa? Potresti zoomare su queste divise?-



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