Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Thinking About Getting A Brazilian Wax


Sunday, September 13, 2009

How Do I Inject Lorcet

About Aliens ....


In these stories we are talking about aliens.
Since the breed it is said has a prismatic genetic diversity, we need to warn anyone who is to approach this story to what is going to suffer.
First, many have always felt about Clandestine Aliens, Aliens of the Contract, the greatest common system and Staig as if they were actually opposed and antithetical to each other. We are not far from what actually happens in reality, but some details need to orient the reader in what is happening in reality del nostro mondo.
Cominciamo allora a chiarire perché vengono adoperati alcuni nomi e su quante razze vivano attualmente sul nostro pianeta.
Vi sono due tipologie aliene note oggi con le rispettive sottoclassi.
Sia la Classe Lacertana, quanto quella Sideriana fanno parte di una Superfamiglia, l’IPERCLASSE: Sirianae Gens.

Sulla Terra vige una classificazione ‘indigena’ ossia stipulata sulla base di un accesso linguistico umano, vediamo queste 2 classi aliene:



Lacerta Lacerta
Con 2 sottoclassi:
Lacerta Allaghèna
Lacerta Koisseghèna

Siderian Sapiens Sapiens Mammalian
With a subclass:
Siderian Reptilmammalian

sideriani So both those are related lacertiani the phylogenetic status of Sirianidi. The prospect of biological classification can meet much resistance in the logic of the Earth. In fact, reptiles and mammals can not be under the same roof as one family. Yet it was decided at the beginning of the story in question to both species under the same family tree. Why? For reasons of anatomy, as 'political'. The anatomical reasons: i like sideriani lacertani have a similar bone structure. A skeleton almost identical form by excluding the superstructure of the skull fragment. But most of all an incredible opportunity for organic, never been experienced before in our world: the two classes can be fertile and mate with each other, creating hybrids in the cases:

Lacertana Male Female Sideria:
Male Female fertile hybrid hybrid infertile

Female Male Sideriana Lacerta:
Male Female hybrid hybrid infertile fertile male hybrid

Lacertana Fertile Female:
hybrid asexual or cases of hermaphroditism

Female Male fertile hybrids Lacerta:
infertile hybrid asexual

Male Female fertile hybrid Sideriana:
hybrid female or male fertile hybrid

Male fertile Male Sideria:
hybrid female or male infertile

so we interpollination cases of hybridization.

The reason concerns the political practice of alien deemed organic part of the same phylogenetic nomenclature, so in order not to incur the diplomatic acts of impropriety, we decided to include in our classification of these breeds together.

Laryngomalacia In Babies

The hybrid species: flooding 02

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Replacing Front Element Canon Lens

Hybrida 1: flooding. The Language of Lacerta

Monday, September 7, 2009

Excessive Cm After Ovulation

languages \u200b\u200bArakonèta

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Dress Up Like Albert Einstein

The Third Party, Vol

Monday, July 20, 2009

Leave Letter Griha Pravesh


The human subject.
I had no idea, again, the human that would follow and before long had taken against his will. The bishop gave me the documentation. I read with care every detail about his genetic folder and predisposition to the computer to activate the virtual reality room. Generally most of my study on the subject follows the reconstruction of where she lives. Regeneration, using data gathered from the 'Pointers' (people trained, selected specific lines of blood, put on the heels of the subjects to levy in order to intercept them and provide detailed information on those around them), the human environment in virtual . There, I train to move, not to leave too much to chance. Another important section of my preliminary study, I get talking directly with the 'my pointer'. Drawing Every officer has his own 'pointer'. The two are linked by a direct hierarchical link of 'superiority' (the taking) and 'subordinate' (the pointer). It 's like a hunter with his dog at a standstill. It is a collection of hunting action. While
flowed chromosomal sequences of the human subject HPL021 general, and its first filing, my professional performance anxiety was appeased.
'Female, 25 years, caucasian ... Education: Bachelor's degree in medieval literature. Current
Sport: horseback riding (not racing), performed in the past Sport: Cross Country (not racing) ... 'A person
seemingly' quiet 'then. I thought. Sport Studies and led me to believe that they face a creature with no special propensity to violence. I should not have to fight, then.
The mission, if it were not for disturbing the preliminary recommendations of the Bishop, did not seem to raise concerns.
I should meet with the pointer on that day, at night. He was returning from the human world from a few hours, and was unzip it into a breakfast room. The 'relief' is mostly a mental level. The Pointer, literally, 'fill' of information, the mind and the nervous system. The selection made in a complete and targeted by the Bishops, the genetic code pointers so it has boosted the boundless reach of memory. And besides, his mental capacity. A pointer stores images, sounds and smells in a way so as not so fast essere eguagliato ancora da alcun tipo di tecnologia cinematografica.
C’è un effetto collaterale molto serio: il Puntatore se non ‘decomprime’ la sua mente e la sua memoria dalle informazioni più emotive, entrate attraverso un fortissimo legame empatico con il ‘Puntato’, viene a soffrire di una seria e letale crisi di identità.
E non è destino di un Puntatore morire di vecchiaia. Ormai è frequente che questi individui muoiano suicidi o drogati. La decompressione non è ancora un processo stabilizzato.

Ormai era l’ora dell’appuntamento.
Nella stanza dell’incontro si presentò il mio subalterno.
- Capitano, sono a tua disposizione. – made the Pointer with the usual ritual formula.
I greeted him, and I did accommodate.
- We begin our study? - I asked, knowing the difficulties of
decompression. He nodded positively.
Well, then we begin. - Included - For a start, do give me a character profile of the subject. The Pointer
cleared his throat and looked at an invisible point of the room, as if there is explained a sheet film before him. He waited for a moment, as if that 'cinema' imponderable in front of him were taken to transmit ... patient. A pointer is acting according to different cognitive processes.
So he spoke, in a wild stream associations between ideas and mental images
- La Donna is very talented. It has great visual energy, if it is inside the ancient craft of words. No one taught him, comes from a limitless memory. There is a lot of heat around her. The presence is manifested through the impetuous wave of his thoughts. -
stopped the description of the pointer. And I asked him another piece of information:
- now I want an overview of the environment around the subject. The Pointer
had something similar to a cameraman attempt to move his camera on a broad goal.
- She is surrounded by a bush of thorns. Many have approached the woman with dark purposes. Cercavano il Libro Mastro del Mestiere.
Sobbalzai. Forse stavamo puntando il giusto bersaglio. Però attesi ancora un po’ prima di intervenire sul beraglio, cercando una visuale ancora più ampia per capire ogni dettaglio. Chiesi, ancora:
- Bene, adesso però gradirei un panorama ancora più ampio. Dimmi fin dove puoi scrutare.
Il Puntatore cercò in quell’insondabile pellicola nella sua mente.
- La Donna è una bambina cresciuta in un Istituto Religioso. Ci sono persone con una divisa attorno a lei.
- Divisa? Potresti zoomare su queste divise?-


Saturday, July 11, 2009

Church Sunday Program


- Ascoltami Anhyan, è di vitale importanza che tu comprenda ora le mie direttive. Non potrò più intervenire, in avanti, per darti spiegazioni. E’ importantissimo, quindi, che tu capisca adesso!
- Vi sto ascoltando, Signore. – feci.
Il tono del Vescovo era calmissimo, come un potente fiume che scava, a viva forza nelle ere, canyon… Continuò:
- Capitano, dobbiamo procedere a un ‘recupero’.
- Un Protocollo Delta U10?
- Esattamente, ma è obbligatorio un silenzio assoluto sulla faccenda. I tuoi unici referenti per qualsiasi comunicazione a riguardo, dovrà essere solo, ripeto, solo, chi è presente in questa sala. E’ ovvio che l’unico superiore al quale puoi rivolgere la parola, qui inside I am. So me and only me, you talk if you encounter problems. But consider this: the place where you will be sent, it is likely that we could not contact us. Sari you alone there. Maybe you can not even send me any messages from the brain booster. You will be in total darkness. If you should happen to die, or worse, do not hesitate to instantly incinerate your body. You can not be captured, your genetic strain was selected with altered cell, through which, your body will suddenly explode, leaving no trace. I know you know. All the 'bearers of the mystery cults of Lacerta' they know it. We can not afford mistakes in this area.
Those words, uttered so much cold as aseptic gave me nausea. I do not remember the first time my eyes met the gaze of cobalt blue irises, icy light, the bishop. But certainly very little else could have seen before. My mother? No memory. Only moments. I briefly heard the heartbeat of my mother. It was my home then. My first discovered the world: my mother's chest as I heard the thud that deep and weary. Then there was another, only the blue eyes of Bishops.
All my life I was thrown from world to world, to fight, or 'retrieve'. Since rose to the rank of lieutenant became a recovery. Scorching
to know what it was my destiny, I tried to speed up:
- Lord, let me ask you details on the protocol ...
U10 - Sure. I appreciate your willingness to work.
with slow and stately, the Bishop moved on the panel of holographic transmission. He danced his finger in the air and immediately took the form of liquid on a wall of the sequence of circles 'Shunzo mnir', our time-space mapping of the quadrants. The bishop is an elegant minuet with the index finger, hitting one of those circles, who reacted like a pond suddenly hit by a stone.
expanded its concentric circles, until it becomes large as our own room. Then the scene was familiar: the sequence of enpeptidi, our points of reference of the time-space.
- These are the coordinates of where the recovery will occur. - Said the Bishop. I watched the whole
well designed from the sequence and replied:
- Lord, is not the world towards which we are sailing?
- It is. But do not worry about it. We know the region better than its own inhabitants.
- E 'inhabited by humans, is not it?
- It 's true. But do not think they are similar to our priests, dear Anhyan. Humans are a different breed ...
land - And ... and how do they differ from their fellow priests?
- First of all, most of them are mostly a flock anonymous, which pulses rather low, easy to restrain. There are thousands that fail to contain their lust for chaos, by a slavish and constant monitoring of these infinitesimally small needs. And if any among them should learn to be better, surpassing its imi instincts, such as simple reaction we would only increase his needs.
- They're all like that?
- not all but most. But since you have to work with 'not all that' I have to warn you. If they discover your identity or they catch you in the size U10-A, where you act, there will be no hope for you, you slaughtered ... And believe me, if you detach from the flock of their kind, these people become very adept perceive in your steps. The U10 is the One-dimensional parallel more dangerous for those who must work closely with these individuals. But it is the only one that allows to optimally interfere with the size of their world. I say, in ten thousand years of working with this small group of humans, I lost many units. Do you trust more: a hundred rescue missions, only two or three, are back. It 's a huge sacrifice of elements valid, a colossal waste of resources in the selection of the bloodlines of your kind, suitable for this purpose, with a sacred purpose. For this purpose, conscious part of you die, your silence on the sad fate .-
- I swear this, Lord. Death does not bother me at all.
In reality at that moment my mind flashed the thought: no one gave me an alternative. The 'sacred aim' of my superiors had always been my one tomorrow.
The Bishop nodded: - Well, then proceed with the display of details.
then listened to the mission
- The recovery will take place on a human subject, who apparently acquired some information, which we are not sure about the origin. We think, however, that the detector is a hostile element, or, worse, a traitor Lacerta. -
With a lump in my throat, I asked the reason for that idea.
The Bishop answered: - Why is that person knows the array of tables Misteriche, e si tratta di un’informazione assolutamente irraggiungibile per un abitante di quel mondo. E’, quindi, logico che possieda un canale di informazione. E l’unico canale oltre il Rango Nero, o un Lacerta della tua linea di sangue, può essere solo un Elemento Ostile.
- Un…un Elemento Ostile?.... – balbettai con ansia crescente.
- Sì, ha inteso bene. –
- C’è da preoccuparsi? Come faccio a battermi se lo incontro? Non possiedo uno stato adeguato a sostenere un duello…- continuai
- Lo so benissimo. I Lacerta non hanno ma combattuto con un Elemento Ostile. A dire il vero non sappiamo neppure che reazioni potresti avere nell’incontrarlo.
- Ma if I have to deal with it, I do not steal my fate. Usai
the target instead of the subjunctive, because now I considered the whole affair as the thin, evil, punishment of the Bishop to my thirst for philosophy ... and because it felt like a sentence from my inalienable future.
- Very good. - Said, in response to my statement - I rejoice in being able to be served by such an efficient scale. I will think much of your courage if you manage to stay alive, Captain. -

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Ovulation Calculator March Dimes

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The Prices To Sell Pokemon Cards Chart


La sveglia interruppe il sonno della camerata.
Siamo in quattro a dormire nella stanza. Una bella conquista, dopo il grado di Capitano! Ero da sempre uso nel condividere il mio sonno con almeno una quarantina di altri miei simili.
Da quando ho data nella memoria, non ricordo una sola notte trascorsa in un letto solitario. Ma se si vive così a lungo in battaglia, tanto da raggiungere il mio grado, i materassi della camerata diminuiscono esponenzialmente. In futuro, dovessi sopravvivere ancora alla guerra, forse raggiungerò il letto singolo. Ma non era la guerra a minare le mie mire di longevità.

Desto, mi trascinai verso il bagno, mi lavai, pensando al mio incontro con il Vescovo.
Forse la cosa più temibile della death in battle was his own suspicions about my behavior. But not manifested, at least he did not openly, the desire to punish my conduct with the human priest. Indeed, in my agenda today, I would have to play a delicate task on his behalf. In less than two hours, I was supposed to be in his presence. I nodded, too, about the possible presence of an 'upper hierarchy', which he chaired the meeting. I never liked the upper hierarchy. The Sauri High seem to have married to them instead. They have subjection almost revolting against these creatures, of which even I know well how they are made. But you can serve in a race do not even know the features?
We remain neutral and unfathomable, the visceral love the High Sauri have for the upper hierarchy. Humans, however, I can not say much. Seems to obey anyone who gives them a possible security, that they can be powerful in their own world as inviolable. But it is my impression. Maybe I'm wrong. I do not have the pleasure to have met many humans in my life, the few I met were mostly clerics.

Clerics belonging to a caste 'property', from our point of view: that some schools are from military-esoteric, and are trained only to carry out their ministry in the Episcopal structure. In practice, the class 'bourgeois' serving the bishops to keep track of incomes, and not only in temples. I'm kind of pallottolieri Templar. Are unlikely to fall within the framework of the Alliance, and are not warriors or clever strategists experts. Humans seem to tropical fish that swim in the Arctic currents.

The meeting was imminent. I adjusted the collar of his uniform. I had worn the uniform of history, because of the presence of a higher hierarchy.
Calzai the plumed helmet, sword belt, and my blue silk sash encircled her hips.

walked down the hall, as he walked in that moment, I thought the cave hidden in a secret cave, buried for ages for lost time.
La luce delle plafoniere sulle pareti a volta, rimbalzava sui miei schinieri d’oro. Il leggero clangore della spada, sbattuta contro la cintura, segnava i miei passi, come un orologio acustico. Giunsi al portone nero, oltre il quale vi era la Zona Vescovile. Le guardie mi salutarono scattando sull’attenti. Ricambiai il saluto. Notai che indossavano la livrea d’onore, allora mi fu chiaro: la Zona Vescovile era abitata, in quel momento, anche da una Gerarchia Superiore.
La sala era quella enorme, dedicata alle riunioni con le Istanze Alte (quelle, in parole più pratiche, appartenenti alle razze la cui stazza corporea supera il 2 metri di altezza e i duecento chili di peso) Le Istanze Alte rappresentano il supreme command of the Alliance, so much the Lacerta, the Humans are not covered in any part of the high command. The upper hierarchy instead are the next step with High Instances, in the command. Who am I? No one can say with certainty. Bishops can only know the name of a higher hierarchy. No amount may be less aware of their names.
I stepped into the room.
- Gentlemen, the Captain of the kingdom of Anhayan Sylverlan is at your presence.
The Bishop, in a slow and stately are the face, leaving his mantle floating on his back.
- Captain, well, you've been waiting for. Come forward.
obeyed. I saw beyond the table Meeting an imposing figure, but at the same time, light, wrapped in a blinding white light. It was the shape of the upper hierarchy. Even this he turned to me. As soon as his blue eyes cold, oceanic, with no expression, I was over, I had to lower my knees.
was the Bishop to break the terrible silence.
- Lord - he said, turning to the upper hierarchy - Captain Anhyan soldier is more suited to the kind of operation to be carried out.
The hierarchy did not utter any order, only nodded coldly to the words of the bishop. They went on:
- Anhyan comes from a bloodline selected to hold the information sui Culti Misterici. – diceva mentre stavo ancora in ginocchio. Non potevo scrutare i miei superiori nel volto mentre disquisivano, ma udivo i loro discorsi.
La gerarchia superiore finalmente emise alcune parole, con una voce sottile, pacata, al limite della docilità. Non mi ci abituerò mai a quella voce. Sembra di ascoltare il vecchio saggio della montagna, ma dietro a quella voce si cela il profondo mistero della Gerarchia: un essere la cui perversione e malvagità segue di pari passo la sua immaginazione.
Disse, rispondendo al Vescovo:
- La linea della selezione di Syverlen…E’ l’unico ceppo genetico autorizzato a mantenere nelle memorie quelle Tradizioni. Sì, abbiamo fatto un good job. - Concluded smugly.
So with a nod to the Bishop, urged him to explain the details of the assigned mission.

Monday, July 6, 2009

How Do I Get A Paint Brush To Hold Poptropica


there is no natural end in memory of those like me.
are seeing the powerful show of the universe from a balcony of the theater is too high. And the thin pink line on the horizon of our eyes is nothing else than a virtual reflection of a desire. I was in the hall of memories for that, that evening. Contemplating a light flowing like water from the large central diamond native mountains, but I was not alone. Beside me there were other officers, all reptiles.
- Yesterday I had that dream again ... - I told Hemeyunn, a ragazza di qualche anno meno di me, un capo manipolo delle unità mediche. La donna aveva un’aria stanca e afflitta, mentre si aggiustava l’asciugamano immacolato sulle spalle. L’aiutai a calzarlo, quindi le dissi:
- Perché dobbiamo sbatterci così per qualche sogno?
- Ma ogni santissima notte!! Ti rendi conto?? Perché?
- A dire il vero non lo so il perché… Ma piano, piano, in quest’astronave tutti stiamo scivolando verso questi …sogni…-
- Che cosa vuoi dire? Che stiamo facendo tutti lo stesso sogno?-
- Ne abbiamo parlato…Sì. Sempre quella donna che scappa disperata sul crinale di una collina, wrapped in swaddling clothes with a little luck. Both are covered with rags, despair, flee without looking back, as if death hunt them mercilessly ... The chief
- And the sun? There is no sun in that dream. Everything has a light dull, cold, sometimes I can see the tracker ...
- Oh yeah? This is a new thing ... tell me.
you: - It is unclear, it seems a group of the Knights Templar this ... you human? The ones you see on TV ... with white armor and puzzles ... -
-? Yes ... I have in mind what you say, the Templars.
- The Templars, of course. But I do not see his face, they have their helmets. And a banner is being carried out to the team of pursuers, from one of the riders .. It '... an eagle an eagle with outstretched wings, and his chest is carved the face of a lion ...
- Um ... all land animals.
- are familiar, for that matter we are studying the nature of terrestrial life.
- ... Yeah - I did, sighing. - Now do 'Silence! - Snapped up. The girl was terrified, but then realized the reason for my jump.
- Commander! - I yelled.
The room was huge and advanced the imposing figure of a bishop. Everyone jumped to attention.
Bishop stopped on the entry. I glanced almost grim, with his gray eyes, cold lakes as a planet without life.
- Anhayan ... I have to talk to you, join me on the Bridge Guard .- made, dry,
without delay. Then he turned, leaving the big black cloak floating on his back as he walked away. I snapped to attention.
soon as he was away, out of sight, we all relaxed.
The doctor looked at me worried: - O God, who knows what he wants from you, with that tone! - He told me.
shook my face, replying: - I do not know ... maybe the breath of some spy ... - I said, thinking human being and to our priest about the dialectic.

apprestai I go in the infinite corridor that separated our area from the town of our school. I carried a burden, like a pilgrim on the Via Romea: the offering of my conscience in my duty as officer. At the end of that burden I would have had to spend in one way or another: by paying a token of a life without too many moral issues, or leaving it where he knew his true destiny: to the sources of my life, you know where they were. The door gray
reflected light and dense metal on the outside walls. I indicated that I was in front triangle mated to the room of my superior.
- His Eminence, I am in relationship. -
I jumped to attention.
The impressive body of Prince clad in black, I was standing behind me. Expected in a deadly silence his voice. But for a few moments I did not hear anything. I stood there, waiting for his voice. He shook his head, then turned majestically toward me.
- Anhayan, you know what your destiny?
He asked me, with the husky timbre and depth of these beings.
_-Lord? Do not ... do not understand.
- your destiny. Your oath Anhyan
- My oath? I am a Captain of the Holy Syrian Army, my Lord.
- Indeed. And for those who fight?
- For Sacred Kingdom of Sirius, Lord.
- Sure ... - he said, with a calm left.
- Lord ... I do not understand ...
- Perché, cosa c’è da capire, Anhyan?
- Il motivo per cui mi ha chiamato a rapporto.
- Ti ho chiamato qui, Capitano per sincerarmi su una fastidiosa storia.
Capii allora che il prete aveva soffiato tutto sulla nostra conversazione. Cercai di evitarmi le ire funeste del Vescovo, anticipando con la mia versione, la faccenda.
- Signore, posso parlare?
- Parla
- Se la storia fastidiosa si riferisse alla mia abitudine di intraprendere disquisizioni filosofeggianti con i prelati umani…
- In effetti. Mi spieghi cosa c’entra il tuo destino di soldato del regno con la filosofia?
- La filosofia, signore? La filosofia…nulla. Non serve a nulla. Ma la mente conserva l’istinto di pensare. Anche in guerra.
- Se quell’istinto persevera in pensieri che allontanano dalla certa via indicata, non è contemplabile nei nostri pensieri.
- Ma io…chiedo scusa, Signora, cosa vi farebbe pensare che io mi stia allontanando dalla Via?
- Il sacerdote mi ha riferito che durante il rito non osservi la contemplazione alla Kabbà. Questo è altamente sconveniente, specie per un ufficiale, che dovrebbe essere d’esempio per il resto dell’esercito.
- Se è solo questo, Signore…Dissi al prete umano che la mente spesso vaga nell’infinità della volta sacra, attratta dall’estasi della contemplazione…non sempre gli occhi fissi su un punto indicano la vera meditazione…-
- Ti sbagli, Anhyan. La mia specie conta cento milioni di anni di storia, e da questa immensità temporale ha dettato i principi per il culto di Jehovea al resto dei popoli nell’universo. La Legge è stata portata negli angoli più oscuri dei mondi abitati, perché essi non cadessero nel caos e nella barbarie. La Legge è stata affidata al Sacro Esercito del quale tu sei parte, perché fosse rispettata senza appello alcuno. E’ di infinita importanza che il culto da noi imposto ai nostri soldati venga rispettato fin nei dettagli più impercettibili.
- Capisco…ma… cosa vi è di sbagliato in choosing the pilgrimage of their own eyes rather than the fixity of the pupil, to follow the contemplation ...?
- What? You can not even look out to its importance. We begin the whole cause of this need, but not you, nor human, nor any other species could understand it. You have invoked an oath once, remember?
- I remember it, Lord ... of course.
- Well, then tell me how it ends ...
- How does it end? Yes ... ends like this: 'To Allath, Shalzad carpeted, I have the neighbors Anunkat, I invoke the clemency of Jehovea and its genie, and I swear I strongly defend the sacred word del Regno Unificato di Sirio, di combattere per l’inviolabilità del suo soglio, senza lesinare nulla di me, sino a versare il mio sangue e lasciare agli dei creanti il mio ultimo respiro. Giuro questo, e se non dovessi, per viltà, rispettare questo giuramento, venga io maledetto e mi si sfasci la Casa, la mia gente mi rinneghi, la mia terra mi affami. ’ … Ecco, termina in questo modo il Giuramento, signore.
- Bravo…ottima esposizione, sono colpito dalfatto che tie ne ricordi in modo così nitido – esordì il Vescovo. – Il Tradimento è una cosa indecente. Ne convieni?
- Il tradimento? E’ un atto orribile, certo, Signore.
- Indegno for a fighter. Even more if he is a captain in the ranks of an army at the time and sacred to the gods.
- I agree - I was beginning to fear, the voice of the bishop was paternalistic, but also an unreal calm.
- Say no more, I understand your intelligence. I expect a lot from you. A captain is worth infinitely more than a mere servant of the altar. For me, the merits acquired in the field of war are not the same as what has been snatched ... Now it politically as well. I am sure your complete fidelity.
- Thank you Lord - I snapped to attention, and obeyed, leaving the room.

I went back to our area. Looking back the tunnel I seemed to hear again the words of the Bishop, echoing, grim in my mind ... and the acclamation of his confidence knew of his hand ...

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Satellite Game Camera

The Wild Sky HAQQAD

The Heart of the Forest Haqqad
[full story]

When one of your fellow soldier dies on board the spaceship, felt his breath long goodbye of the hangar decks, the corridors linking up with internal galleries, and cabs of observation. His breathing is calling you along the usual paths taken every day along with your friend and brother. He does not go away never go away permanently, but you have left something of his spirit, beside him. I knew since Haqqad were very small. We had the same sculptor of war, we have grown in the same Syrian farm, studied the same arts of war with the same teachers. And we have specialized in one discipline in School: Analysis of Human Behavior, ACU.
We took the degrees in the same period, and occupied an equal role, although Haqqad was considered the senior service. This is because his wisdom during missions has often been very successful operations difficult and very thin. His calmness, wisdom, and inspiration to the master donavano a great capacity to resolve questions hostile to our species on Earth. And his advice was often heard from the Commander. I did not mind having him as my diretto superiore nella Squadra.
La missione stavolta era stata escogitata per ottenere consenso degli umani circa l’utilizzo di certe fonti di energia naturale: i soffioni di vapor acqueo che caratterizzavano la piccola provincia di Hookpeak, una comunità di montagna, vicino ai confini canadesi. Si doveva preparare tutto in modo non violento, perché il Comandante stava conducendo con un certo successo alcune operazioni diplomatiche con il Canada e gli stati USA ai confini. Una volta rese ‘docili’ quelle provincie, sarebbe rimasta dell’ostilità solo negli stati del Sud degli States, come la California, la Florida e il Texas… Ma un problema alla volta, si disse fra noi.
Haqqad venne chiamato a pianificare the mission. And I with him. We work mainly in the field, so working on a control station in the small mountain village of Hookpeak.
And here our story begins.
The country is located on an Indian reservation, a bronze-skinned men and archaic features live there, speak a language other than English, which is unique in its kind: no grammar human approaches to the familiar. I have never met such mammals.
- are descendants of the Shawnee ... -
Haqqad He said that instead it was quite experienced in this type of human beings.
- indeed belong to a strain older, much older ... So much so that their language risulta unica. Vengono dal profondo nord, non si può stabilire con precisione il luogo esatto, e soprattutto non si vuole stabilire.-

Le parole di Haqqad mi riportavano alla mente uno dei motivi per cui mi rimane difficile capire i terrestri: la loro contraddizione in termini di ‘pacifismo’.
Ma non potevo chiedere molto su quell’argomento, il nostro compito era troppo delicato e una mia simile curiosità sarebbe stata scambiata per un atto ostile nei confronti degli umani. Però condussi alcune ricerche per mio conto. E mi accorsi che effettivamente quei nativi non erano Shawnee puri ma antichissimi uomini-cacciatori, di una tribù oggi estinta dalle antichissime quanto oscure tradizioni.

- Non indagare troppo, caro Makko, - mi consigliò il mio amico. – Non siamo qui per questi uomini, ricordalo! –
Una volta, passeggiando per il villaggio, mi sentii osservato. Le case, tutte dai tetti spioventi e in fila fra loro, donavano al paese un aspetto davvero ancestrale. Giunsi davanti a una chiesa cattolica. Recava ancora la vecchia scritta: ‘Missione Cristiana dell’Ordine dei Padri Cristoforiani’. Da sempre sono tentato nell’oltrepassare l’uscio del sagrato di una chiesa cristiana, ma mi è impedito. In quanto ‘rettile’ non ho un buon rapporto con i sacerdoti di questo culto. Per motivi diplomatici evitiamo quindi di superare quell’ingresso. Ma stavolta non ebbi the courage to resist my instincts, and entered. The church was very beautiful and austere. The large wooden crucifix loomed over the apse and seemed to warn me from taking another step forward. I tried to avoid this warning and I forwarded the information in the aisle. The suggestion perhaps of all the stories I had heard about the relationship Christian Reptile Man, I started growing anxiety, but I continued my exploration. Of course if one of them had seen me, I would not be left intact! One thing struck me very much in that building: the paintings. All related to a kind of 'war' against an obviously be reptilian, perhaps a dragon, and the people who had fought in the somatic a bit ' different from the inhabitants of the country. I understood why nobody wants us in Christian churches, but I did not think the hatred in my class could be so designed living!
It 's also true that not always the case.

"From Hell I cry, my Lord ..." read written on the lintel of the apse.
Hell? But hell is not eternal damnation in the religion of Christians in the West? Humans are made in this way: they have their plans, their world, their iron laws, but each community harbors a microcosm, a substrate 'other' from the surface world known. In every human there is a kind of 'secret diary' that separates it from the rest of his kind.
I was so engrossed in my speculations on humans that I noticed a major presence behind me. I turned and I saw the figure bouncing dark and inhospitable of 'temporary landlord'. The priest was dressed in black, and then realized it was a Catholic. - I'm sorry ... I, I did not want to be pushy ... but this church is really beautiful ... - I said, hoping not to stir up trouble 'diplomats', Haqqad because otherwise it would kill me after all the effort to appease the residents of the community! The priest sighed, almost with a sense of superiority, then deigned to reply:
- Yes, it is a beautiful building, they erected in seventeen hundred, and all the carvings that adorn the back at that time. -

In his words could be perceived the question: "What the hell you do, damned reptile in my church?" I replied instinctively to quell'inespresso question:

- I came only to see these woods and these works on the walls ... I go now

.- The priest stopped me as I was pulling the door. I turned around, curious.
- Mr ... - I did and I to him:
- My name is Mak. - And the human
: - Well Mr. Mak, non abbia fretta nell’andarsene. Io sono Padre Harmon, e forse non è una coincidenza che l’abbia trovata nella mia Chiesa. –
Rientrai nell’edificio, disorientato.
Lui continuò: - Lei è il ‘collega’ dell’Alieno Haqqad, non è così? -
- Il Capitano Haqqad è il mio diretto superiore, in effetti. –
Il Sacerdote mi invitò ad accomodarmi su una delle panche, cosa che mi lasciò perplesso.
Mi sedei.
– Sa che questa Casa di Dio è stata eretta a memoria di un’epica battaglia divina? –
mi fece. – Il Drago venne ucciso da San Giorgio, mentre sembrava che tutto fosse perduto per la gente del villaggio assediata dalla bestia. Iddio lo mandò per liberare gli uomini dalla presenza del mostro, sicché questi furono liberati dal male… e voltarono finalmente i loro cuori a Cristo… -

Mi insospettì, ma sperai che continuasse quello strano racconto. L’umano invece si fermò, levò i suoi occhi grigi, dai tipici riflessi di vetro, verso la volta dell’abside.
-…Dovunque l’uomo abbia raggiunto l’abisso della sofferenza invoca il Padre, perché invii nuovi emissari di Luce… -
– Non capisco cosa mi sta raccontando, soprattutto perché me lo sta raccontando, signore…- feci. L’uomo mi fissò, poi replicando, said
- Be careful, because this community in the heart of St. George's spirit ... And there are many who see the Knights of the Dragons once again lay siege to the human community. Haqqad was once a friend of mine helped me in some research. But now I can indulge on my positions. I am the Chaplain of the Order, and still does not receive the Dragons. Haqqad knew I wanted this. There will be confrontations if the dragon will leave this country voluntarily. San Giorgio is not wielding his sword in vain ... -

I was terrified. - Father ... Harmon is threatening me and my brothers? - I asked, transfixed by a horrible feeling.
The man looked at me, smiled and replied in a superficial way:
- It is absolutely not a threat, this. Take it for a certainty, however. Tell your captain that soon there may be a terrible battle ... It is absolutely pointless killing me, guys. I am only the messenger of the Order, the events will happen without me. -

I stood up and left the Church. If the horizon of trouble disrupting diplomatic mission would not have been by some of my foray into that building!
I went to base camp, looking Haqqad.
A young researcher told me that she had seen him walk the forest path that leads to Native Reserve. With a heavy boulder on my stomach, I walked along that route I travel, so narrow that they can barely walk.
courses, to be honest, until you reach the heart of the Indian Reservation.
I moved through typical prehistoric tents erected in memory of a world long gone, looking for my Captain Elder.
A huge bronze-skinned man suddenly stopped my search.
hair in braids as thick as tree branches, adorned with hawk feathers, gave me the impression of a warrior in front of the ancestral, and I stopped swelling with a strange sense of respect. I asked him, almost appalled, about Haqqad. But he did not have the minimum flicker of emotion. I began to feel strange in my forebodings. The man noticed my discomfort.
- Do you know why you brought up here? - He told me.

I had a shot: I had become nervous, sad, too restless to think. He gave no heed to my emotions and went on:
- You have to learn something, listen. Haqqad we already knew everyone in this village. We Hoorweek: ancient family of hunters from the cold deserts of the Far North - East We are the shamans who received the first of the Mind ... Haqqad Sirius has gone far beyond the normal way and now look no shamanic, now you could not more find him ... He can not fight anymore others prepare against the war that his father, the Dragon. But instead you're strong. He has you trained to follow the ways of the ancestral home. Now be brave. Do not be left alone. But he knows that the dragon will fight a lot and will sacrifice for leave to completion the work of your King is the only way satiated with blood other men will sit with you, and treat. Haqqad you have always loved you. But now, look no ... - I was so disoriented that

anger and sadness mounted together in a swirl of dark feelings.
Haqqad Where? They had done? Why the Natives took a similar position in relation to their peers in the country? What did they want from us?

Scansai Man angry with a shudder, I was appalled by the premonition that something terrible had happened to my friend. Far away, looking toward a fence I noticed a movement of humans. I went up, accompanied by my horrible feeling. I threw myself over the fence and reached the heart of this teeming human. I let out a cry of despair. Haqqad was poured on the ground. A devastating injury had literally opened the chest. The ground was soaked with his blood. In his right hand holding a sword heavy, I recognized was Shallenn, his sword, the blade of his tribe.
Possible? I looked around a man dressed in a white tunic instead brandished another blade.
- It was you ... - growled. But everything I did
think of a duel.
In that case no one was guilty. Haqqad honor was dead. But how could I be sure? I could not take the weapon from my friend, although I had always promised that if he died before me, Shallenn would have been mine, now was not ready to avenge his master.
because I would bring back from Cape Race of the Tribe, to pass it in my hands. But at that moment was captured in a vivid dream and reality: Haqqad was standing in front of me and without a trace of that horrible wound. He had sacrificed for me to lead a successful mission that? And why?

- Now the Knights are satiated with the blood of the Dragon: My time has ended in the world. You are the one who will complete the mission and will have the honor of the sign Real ... My duty was another ... -

Those words shook me to the depths of the soul. Haqqad was really a great sage. And maybe all he has accomplished, was destined to be the story of another world or Sirius, or the Earth. Now I'm
Spaceship Commander, despite not being from the Military School, the Mission had an excellent outcome and the consequences have been a reinforcement of our lines of advanced ... but why all this happened? Still I miss the sense of design and his friends Haqqad shamans. I know they want, which is not the War between Earth and Sirius. But they worked because our troops are power ... Why? To what end? I do not ever stop to ask myself these questions, and plan out other missions, I write reports for our Sovereign, wonder fighters Humans. I continue to wonder in this war because of the sacrifice of the Dragon ... Haqqad.


Saturday, July 4, 2009

Is Broth Safeto Use After Expiriration Date

The Essay was found at an archive of the French secret police. It is believed belonged to a human woman, who was accused of being collaborators with the aliens. At home he kept this poem, composed by an alien, as she herself admitted. E 'probable, t the light of our current knowledge, that she and the alien were joined by a feeling of love .

Hold my hand and follow my steps
We will go on the side of the stars
I'll take the edge
and when we are alone on the threshold of Sirius
We will speak of a world from the days long
and a people fallen in the den of darkness,
follow my footsteps on the sands of Sirius
'll take you to the heart of the volcano
there watching the stars and create
you speak of a people when he was senz'odio.
is now high in the sky Sirius,
and Girls born Moons,
take my hand, tonight will never end,
because this is the night that descends on Sirius
slower and slower rises in the air in the fire of
desert in the morning.
not fear the dark on Sirius
are the wings of an old sky
that wise old tells us stories,
asks us to return to your music legends
is the old sky Sirius.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Tractor Birthday Cake Template


"The reality is missing a ring joint.." Onset, while the human priest, wrapped
in a spotless robe, issued his fulminations against the creeping of unruly soldiers like us. What would be cursing me in wondering silence. We fought, returning the courtesy of our host, who arrived on our world long ago, and for centuries enveloping our land with powerful psychological chains. What do you think? Become prisoners. We are born free, but then a strong inner will instinct corrupts us, dragging us into a world of rules, and taxation on higher levels of our will. Some philosophers such as human priest, called this descent into subjection to ourselves: 'Social Contract'.
The Social Contract is in fact the missing link of reality. It 's true, many animals are gregarious and are binding rules of life. A wolf would be torn to pieces by his peers if not put in place the rules of his pack, or die alone, of starvation, in a winter ice. But for a Wolf is the Pack within themselves.
- What happened to you, Anhayan? You're weird, these days .. it seems more controversial.
The priest called me after the ritual celebration, on the sidelines, in the offices of the sacristy.
- Argumentative? Your Honour, I do not understand.
I did, taking time
- I'll explain. You look lost, staring at the ceiling of the church ... What are you looking for? What distracts you?
- Your Honour wants tell me I look at another point, which is the Kaaba?
- We understand each other. In general, reptiles observe the Kaaba and its point blank to contemplate the magnificence of the Lord.
- The magnificence of the Lord, your worship, being infinite, possessing infinite steps, not always, I end up going in the hole of the Kaaba
.- - See what I'm saying? - Angrily blurted out the human. - You're controversial! The Kaaba is not a hole! -
- the Kaaba is an entry point, sir, you well know. But what is for me, how can I be, I myself, of course? It can not be sure how a human being? Listen, sir, how many times an echo of the word 'be' in our speeches?
- Just speeches ... these are not a soldier! You will have serious problems if you continue to think with this head.
- If anyone rob me.
- Ah, if you continue in this way, it will happen soon, stay safe.
- The problem now is if my head will be lost, or not. The question is the access of the divine in the wake of Kaab. For the essence of God, must pesse forced to pass through this circle of stone? Maybe God is not free to go where it finds objectionable?
- Mother of God ... This is the first of chestnut that I talk to god!
- Sauro? I am a lizard come lei voi siete un gorilla.
- I gorilla sono solo affini geneticamente all’uomo
- Anche i sauri sono solo simili a me.
- Va bene, tralasciamo il discorso sulle origini delle specie.
- Sì, trascuriamolo. E vogliamo dire alla coscienza di dio quale strada percorrere?
- No, con te non mi ci metto a parlare di teologia.
- Ma questa non è teologia. Secondo vostra signoria che cosa sarebbe?
- Discorsi fumosi attorno al nulla
- A me sembrano parole spese attraverso la cognizione di quanto stiamo vedendo ora.
- Appunto cos’è che stiamo vedendo? Nulla.
- No, stiamo contemplando il pensiero di dio and its infinite ramifications.
- Listen, son, for me, god, not a thought. It 'a concrete aspect of reality is reality.
- Reality? If I were blind, for me there is the knowledge of color?
- Sure. E 'in our memory.
- Yes, but I state this? No ... even if I could describe it in words. Take the red. I could tell you: the red is the color that infuriates the bulls. But I'm a lizard, as you say. And I do not know the bullfight. So I can not talk that way.
- Yes ... but I do not understand what you're getting.
- The reality view is the conjunction of countless other reality. Different points of view ... But nothing. Do not worry. Do not bother you anymore, and during the liturgy will try to stay longer present.
I rose from the bench, and with your permission, I took leave of the priest. I was certain that the prelate would immediately went to the Bishop to report our discussion. He would not in fact been exempt from the duty to inform his immediate superior, of such behavior by a soldier.

In the courtyard at sunset at the central shaft, usually a busy social life comes alive. Cast-off clothes of service, found the comfortable clothes of silk and cloth of other worlds, let us carry in the morning without turning on lights or street lamps, but only the lights order imposed dall’olio di una pianta sempreverde. I lumi trasmettono l’aria della sera, attraverso l’odore lievemente acre del loro bruciare. Sentendo quei fumi disperdersi nelle vie e nelle caserme, sai che l’ora del riposo sta raggiungendoti.
Stavo godendo di una cedrata fresca e addolcita con del miele, mentre i fuochi della cena si stavano alzando lungo l’orizzonte della campagna. Mi chiedevo, ormai quasi ogni sera, quanto di tutto questo fosse naturale. Perché dovevo rilassarmi su quei pochi minuti, immaginando il mio mondo come il riflesso di un cortile e un chiostro attorno a un pozzo?
- Ayhan… cercavamo te!
Mi girai verso l’origine della voce, era Ghamall. Un rettile della mia stessa ilk, like me, born from the same bloodlines.
- I've been waiting for?
- Yes, remember our commitment?
- Ah! Yes, yes. Sorry I was thoughtfully and I am lost! Sure, I'll be right, it is also to tell everyone that I'm ready! - I did, anxious for an appointment almost completely forgotten.
wore a coat of soft cloth, suitable for protecting the shoulders from rubbing of the strap. So I accollai the Shurana and apprestai me to reach my friends.
We played until the first light of dawn, when the rays of the sun did go, go, hot, we decided to conclude our little concert in the square.
now they were all gone to rest, and I did not stay for two hours, before resuming service.
do not know why I lost all those hours of sleep in a desperate attempt to make music, but I did it. The music was lost everywhere in the warm summer evenings, between the rocks are still hot on the day, bodies tense and sweaty from the hard work, wet the throats of cedar and honey. Perhaps this was what I tried: making the world alive. Our world, the Square, that is, with a well in center, surrounded by a cloister, closed to the rest of reality.
rest, after having treated the fat with palm on the strings, my Shurana. The closed in the sheath, and put it on a shelf in the wall.
I used to keep hanging of the newspaper articles that I printed from my computer, same on the wall. I kept them there, as if to face a challenge in outline. The last was an account of a user of the virtual pages:

'The Sokoz decides to put a limit on the emissions of sound events in tribal still new prohibitions on the traditional instruments of reptiles do not belong to Sokoz. Three other instruments have been banned. From now on these musical instruments are strictly prohibited:
.... ' The

Shuntana was one of the first to be banned. The stringed instruments were eliminated almost all of the top power outlet Sokoz. Sokoz going to Sopol kominte Zurama: union administrative Central. And 'the political arm of the lizards' high'. The Sauri High are the winners of the war, along with the people of the Mammals of North America. Both highs, as the Nordics do not like making music, in fact, it seems the hate. People like me and many of those who belong to the same breed of priest, humans, however, have an idea and a love for music quite different. People like me find the music around which the fire listening to stories of lost ancient worlds, and humans want to dance around the fire. We rarely sing, but it happens. More frequent are the human voice to sing melodies. But by time we were forbidden to listen to the song. Then the ban was extended to humans, they do not had to sing again. The voice was the first instrument to be banned. But in my barracks
something musical was tolerated. Our commander was a reasonable person and thought that the prohibition on the passions would run for his troops, he left so many of us, the secret inclinations.
Despite the tolerance of sporadic concerts put to good standing, by a trio of stories, with only a Shurana a Recorder and a narrator, no one here could hear the singing of humans. The human soldiers were separated from us. We lived in different times and places. Runs a story between the two species, so horrible to them to be separated by a wall of hatred and mutual incomprehension. It is said that about settantamilioni years ago the world was shocked by a global thermonuclear bomb. Or rather, the bombing is to talk about my race, humans, unlike, say it was a meteorite, an accident is natural. But this different vision of the event has a specific historical setting. We have been scientifically 'extinct' from our world to the will of Sokoz. After us comparsero early humans. In fact we like them, we are contemporaries. And maybe we are a little more 'new' humans. The Sokoz, the High Sauri, saw that we were good elements to serve in an army and managed to give laborers to their worlds, and then did not allow us to live in a world nostro, ne’ di evolvere altre classi produttrici o una società diversa, da quella in cui viviamo da ere. Al contrario gli umani non essendo molto abili alle mansioni militari, ne’ all’esplorazione di altri universi, rimasero nel loro mondo. Il problema è che se pure la mia gente fosse rimasta nello stesso mondo originario, si sarebbe incontrata con gli umani, ed è probabile che tale incontro non fosse stato accettabile per i parametri evolutivi programmati dal Sokoz e dai Nordici. Sicchè una delle due specie avrebbe dovuto lasciare il campo libero all’altra. Si decise di ‘estinguere’ dal mondo la nostra gente, e mantenervi la famiglia umana. Oggi anche questa ha raggiunto un modello adeguato di funzionamento to be employed in the army lines. Although it is not operating effectively, the human race, began to cover some interesting assignments. She took part in the war, and this was a point of friction between the Nordic and Sokoz. These people wanted to cover a human places of strategic power, even without experience, it 'worth of War. Some humans began to administer some religious sites operated by the power of the Nordics. The Sokoz, reluctantly, accepted the situation, but with one proviso: that indicated by the Nordic ministers were also authorized by the central government. So
us who have been slaughtered on the fields of war, we are now forced to hear sermons from who, instead, it has always been to live in peace in his world. Today I do not care more than the troubles of endurance in such nonsense, I used to live next to the political paradoxes. But come to think of the bitter blood always comes back. Unlike when I was younger, now I know that the blame for what happened, not so much belongs to the thermonuclear bomb, or meteorite, as to our starvation and ignorance, who has linked to an unjust fate of blood. It was as if the memory and consciousness of an entire living species had died out at the same time as absurd accident crashed in the air of the sky, burning everything that existed until then. And time, like space and the light of my people had been sucked into the black hole of the explosion.

Monday, June 29, 2009

Can A Virus Raise Blood Pressure


The church had been carved into the rock, by dint of a pick and shovel, almost entirely bare hands. The sight to anyone who had been introduced for the first time, would have taken my breath away. The only source of light came from torches hanging on the ceiling of the cave, and swing hanging from the top, gave the idea of \u200b\u200bstrange atavistic religious objects of worship.
I went back powerful memories of the war in my mind, so fiercely that I could not put a logical thought in action. We had been on that lawn, that spring from the infamous bloody deception. All. No one had returned. Yet some of us continues to live. Like me. We were veterans. Veterans. The re-conducted at home. But that letter came in one morning in winter, while snow was cradling the infant ears, and then long trains of soldiers on the border, guys like me, finished in the spring in a distant world, avvlto smoke, where he died.
thousand seven hundred and twenty bodies wrapped in white shrouds had to watch, 1720 stars in a cloudy sky. We were two thousand. We went back.
Now I have the blood on my skin, and which do not have to worry about whether my own or that of a partner, or another who, like me, thought of having to kill, otherwise I would have done. I no longer wash in the evening, when murderous eyes hanging from the peaks, from each tree, from the pits of concrete. Now spring returns home. The field in front of the porch is full of white daisies. White flowers, one thousand seven hundred white flowers, butterflies, cocoons destroyed, this evening shadows linger as anxious about me.
The church was hoping to find a different sky. But the battle could not bury her. I tried, returning to fish, to propose a trade: my memory, in exchange for a pike. But someone there he fell and held the pike.
I stayed in that field. The time has buried me, the time it takes an innocent to die. Can not change history now.
The storm affects our warriors, while are still far away. The sky turns purple, hot air is a sphere, and the forest turns to gold. After the forest, the city fades into a yellow and black blanket. In the field does not stop the war. The hammer blow here has run down to the height of its power, where the invader has spewed a million soldiers.
Soon we realize that it was not a time to surprise our troops. Nothing is left behind. Needless to return home, every thing that has always been, now crashed.
And there is nothing more than we knew before. Today
remain in this church, as if I tried to talk to someone. In fact I stay in here alone, because I'm trying to understand. I have to understand what it means god.
And I sensed something: it is not in this church. Then
is an ideal retreat.
Every stone, every breath of fire, every yearning of the earth that calls for rain, it is only one aspect of God, is only a vague sense of reality.
I understand why I was told today that they are no longer alone. The priest is human, says we are all brothers. I understand why he says it.
The fire and wind, water and air are free things, not part of any thought.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

How To Replace Inova Battery


Ballad mysterious, perhaps circulated Staig fighters in North America, towards the borders between Canada and Alaska. We do not know much about rhythm and moss, but it is almost certain that it was not accompanied by a choir instruments.

Jutting arms as old-growth white bones to the moon, while
emerges from the womb of the old sergeant
dark flower that opens on the border of life,

uncertain steps rode in the shadows the quiet end.
Yet tonight the story-driven mammalian hung
looks different, my lord, and perhaps that is about to die, for that
sergeant left here in this lunar
spree that only our heavenly realms spread of Sirius listeners.
under that tree the sergeant saw the ultimate challenge, he dueled
commands such as honor,
Araman son has become the story of his soldiers,
and now sits under the tree, watching the moon
small mowing the stars while in patrol patrol
sing the mammals away from the sergeant.
Who knows, between us, as between them, such as eyes at the end
welcome the soldiers who sleep under the tree now?

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Pilar Montenegro Fight


were coming at the end of history, to realize their destiny.
Light Years of travel, made their lives forever on the decks of huge spaceships, moving from world to world through the many dimensions of Physics.
Momenti scanditi come la polvere di una clessidra collettiva, da pensieri rimasti a casa, sulle verande delle fattorie, fra i campi di grano, e nelle mandrie.
L'echeggiare della loro storia tornava impetuoso come un rio di una giungla pluviale, creando nebbie di ricordi.
Isoltati dal loro mondo originario, perso per sempre, cominciarono a ricordare cosa accadde...

accade prima di adesso :


L’aria friggeva di sangue ancora caldo mentre evaporava dai corpi dei soldati morti, sparsi su tutta l’infinita pianura. Il vento del bled its way northeast from the sea by attacking the survivors, making their bodies, their limbs and their nerves as stiff as dried cod. The front line had surrendered. The snow was mixed with blood and earth, in a pulp that reshapes the sides of the minor hills. But on which side had won in the game was not yet clear. The multitudes of corpses seemed to redesign new ranks, a spectral army whose ranks were almost endless. I tried to govern in a dignified manner, the bent of mine, I only had a handful of fighters, but I had to bring them home. At home ... I was often laughing thinking of this word. Those unfortunates had a house yet? How long have fought now? Years? Tens years? Centuries? Who now remembers most the way home? As far as I'm concerned, if ever the time I had ever had, now most certainly did not possess even a family home. For the rest of my soldiers, I think it was the same. Females? I had lost all the wars, and two years ago began to circulate that at first appeared to be a psychological attack on the enemy, but then coll'andare out of combat, it became clear as an actual tactic of war: at home we were wiping our women . One warm spring morning last year, a flock White metal passed over our heads, so much equipment that moved as a single creature in the sky. The multi-faceted creatures vaporized a blue-yellow cloud into the air, which cools and fell upon us like hail. Pieces of a strange dry ice as big as fists rained down upon us. But the pain from the blows it was nothing compared to what came later. The glass fell on earth, the sun melted them and vaporization. The smoke of their vapors seemed intoxicated, but while the male soldiers had nothing worse than an irritating cough, females began to vomit blood, to fall to the ground writhing, and then one after the other died. At that point there was that war. We and the dead: we and the war. We still had to fight back because by now we would never return.

Now the Sixth Army armor Royal Attack, Sacred, did not remain but shadows of a dark past, oblivious of their way back to fight for them to wander in the rest of the centuries to live through history. We left a few groups of fighters, about nine departments, mine was reduced to six-eight individuals, I was a captain and I was now the responsibility, being dead our arcoonte (you would call Colonel). I chose Duke, but I have to say? A popular fury of a people with no more rage ...
struggled in the taiga, buried in snow up to the biting ginoscchia, when it appeared almost from nowhere to a top eight feet from the golden armor and white uniform. The group is compacted, he drew the only weapons remained possible: our swords. It was a part of the enemy, and the appearance of that officer, seemed to be the winning side.
- You are holy? - Erupted with a deep voice, high-sounding.
I turned my gaze to the survivors and warriors replied,
- The sacred belligerent included a staff of three hundred thousand soldiers, twenty thousand Track appliances, ten thousand laser pointers, a hundred thousand carriers torpedo-to-air and surface-to-earth, a thousand batteries in air pressure and a million reduction of frequency .... According to this she sees is sacred? -
The officer dropped the gold and silver helmet, shook his head, moving the thick white hair of gold; - For what I see, this is still the brave handful of SACRED. -.
We looked perplexed among us.
- I know who I am honored to speak? - I asked.
- Of course, Captain. I am Gheshan Thun, Thun-Baille's family, I come from an outpost of my kind is not far from here.
And I wondered how it had come to end the war. -
- Talk about the war as a game ball ... -
-The way we see there is not much difference. But even though we tried to see in horror as an army of brave has been destroyed, we could not intervene. -
- Intervene? Who are you then? One of the lords of light? -
The way to talk about that individual, clothing has now become an immaculate white coat only, perhaps an effect due to the temperature down, look for abyssal depths, but essentially without expression, reminded me very much of a figure of 'ambassadors' and during those years of war absurd , had made several unsuccessful attempts to reconcile the parties.
- We have completed the women. - He did, without much playacting.
- as we know, sir.
- you do now? - Continued
- I do not know ... we will try a new way to exist.
I did not even believe it very much.
- Exist? You think you have the time to come to you?
- then we should die, do you think? - replicai infastidito.
-Morire? Oh, no, no… per carità non fraintendetemi. Perdervi sarebbe per noi una grande sconfitta.
- in che senso state parlando, signore?
- Nel senso che ho il compito di rintracciare i sopravvissuti della SACRA e condurli in salvo. Ora ho trovato il suo gruppo, capitano. E vorrei che la vostra nuova esistenza cominciasse con noi. Sapete chi sono, e di cosa è capace la mia razza, vero?
- So chi siete e da dove venite, signore. Non posso fare altro che ringraziarvi per il vostro intervento…
- State morendo Capitano Khann Iurchi, quanto tempo pensa di poter mantenere in vita il suo gruppo di eroi? La temperatura scenderà ancora e poi ancora…stiamo entrando nel buio of the winter night. There are at least two years of darkness, and do you think?
- We fought with the winter night ... - I did, but it was as if he knew that being where we wanted to go.
- His pride makes her honor, and his soldiers deserve any respect. - Continued - but if you accept my proposal will be sentenced to death without a name. Alone in the snow, one by one. Who will remember the more glorious your life, your courage, your epic battle?
- we lost, sir. It was not epic, it was a mess. We have definitely lost ...
- I understand his disappointment and his pain, Captain of Clan Irchunn shan, I know that people are Honour and arms.
- You know a lot about us, sir.
- Yeah. For centuries we follow your race, and I know that you fight to defend the existence of the species against coalition forces against you.
- there are two worlds that we would like to extinction, and maybe today they succeeded. - I replied.
- Come with his band together with me, follow me to my bed. - He did, as if he were throwing on the table an offer indispensable.
I looked at my soldiers. Bodies were wrapped in gray rags, that perhaps they had already prepared to die. The ice ferocious bite their hands, the nails had fallen from their claws, the meat of the arms and face had almost been exposed to air. The skin was burned. The wounds of some smelled rotten. Hunger made us feed our now dead: a relentless source of food, as far as the horizon lined the taiga perceptible. We no longer had any reason to return. Our world had collapsed under the impact of devastating war for civilization superior technologies. Our way of life as we knew it was over.
- And the winners? What do they do? - Asked
- They agree that a new world order without you there could be survivors.
- this sounds great to me! We consider it like animals and now they want to govern with us?
- No, sir, do not get me wrong. There would destroy them on the spot. But we us that we have put a brake on their desire, because we believe that we can not rule and create a new system without you.
- We have also followed during our 'retreat'?
- Yes, Kann IURC, since there would be hunted down in the heart of the taiga, and have completed their mission to exterminate.
- Why have stopped then?
- Why are we persuaded to put their energies into a project infinitely more useful. Now they have won the war, and there is no reason to waste more lives. Their general under our Board are committed to not pursue us, leaving us to do our job. You are essential to our design. -
- But now those in power in this world?
- We are the 'conductors'. But every instrument in an orchestra plays and composes his part. No instrument is more important than another, or the symphony out of place and fails.
- And what is your symphony, sir?
- Long ago there were those who deceive us, stealing the most precious and condemning all ... we have to struggle to survive while he took possession of the most beautiful world possible. We'll be back in that world, fixing things, and each race will have a better life, without death. Responsible for this mess will give us back what we took, not in battle but by treachery. That is why the world needs warriors and men of honor as his soldiers, Khanna IURC. -. We followed the

be very light in its base.
The place was an exceptional purity. Housed inside the mountain was a refuge where the air seemed eternal and clean, the lights were hot and diffuse, and the inhabitants seemed to belong to different species, some who never had the opportunity to meet others that seemed familiar .
- Welcome back Gheshan. -
He made an officer of the place, wrapped in a heavy coat as white as light.
- Thanks Muasart. -
said - I see you've completed the mission, I am pleased. - He said, looking at me, then turned to me - I'm glad Iurchunn the clan is still alive! -.
I made a gesture with his hand to extend my gratitude, but the officer looked at me with a weird edge. He remained motionless. Then she whispered, sounding very quietly: - We must take care to always be aware of how we move, I think ... Khann IURC Gheshan will instruct very well on this ... you will create a new generation of reptiles, capable of holding a power wide, will be the pillars of a new world order. But first we must learn to manage their body to be able to operate on other bodies. -.
said the officer looked Gheshan, who remained absolutely unmoved, and took leave.