Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Least Busiest Dmv Los Angeles

Almost simultaneously, leaving two contributions on the recent Italian architecture. The magazine "Building" by Favalli and Maranzana devotes the "Special 100% under 40" to a wide selection of qualified and achievements of Italian architects with a text by Luca Fabris, the magazine "The Ark" by Casati offers an exciting supplement entitled "Young Talents", edited by Luigi Prestinenza with many vital critical comments on just a series of emerging talents in Italy. They are two different angles, the one aimed at built, the more ideas and experimentation, I'm happy because the result is a context different academicism Piacentini that attaches to the throat. I would add to this framework, the work UrbanVoids sustainable projects through the outskirts of Rome and Marta Moccia Vanina Ballini experience in which we also try to teach designers how to be the liveliest in the city today. Construction, Testing and Teaching seems to me then connect a wire to open light.


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