Sunday, January 23, 2011

What Size Boots Should I Get For An Infant

....quando il "coso" incontra la fettuccia

is what comes out!
For the flower I was inspired by a wonder that I stumbled upon the blog of Filly , then I went looking for a tutorial for those interested can take a look here

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Why Does It Feel Good To Go Barefoot

.....semplice semplice

special is just the base that was lying in my drawer for months .........

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Roth Ira Money Market

....attacco di uncinettosi

sometimes acute attacks and come back ............. intense desire to crochet

Sunday, January 9, 2011

What Do Retail Brokers Do

....sarĂ² ancora capace?

...... do some spiral? I asked him for some time and was beginning to doubt it ...........

can be used as a bracelet

particular processing

Sunday, January 2, 2011

I Have Pimples On My Scalp

University Road again ... Awakening to the architecture

Materials Reformists excellent blog and facebook that I recommend, I was called into question on an article about how little is spent in Italy for the University. Here's my comment.,,

I read with interest the dismal numbers. And I agree with the comment. It is sometimes a little despair. The Italian university has gone from about forty-destroying process. Each new step, seemingly plausible in itself, in the absence of a set of consistency has become insanely worse! Enumerates someone
- liberalization Access 70 years, a result large numbers but no qualified staff or facilities.
- university reform 80 years, de facto, by operation of law alumni recruited sl 99% role in clogging for two generations recruitment Contemporary emptying of meaning of the doctorate (not including any privileged serious competitions and forcing young doctors to tag along to all researchers associated with promoted or above!).
- nineties and Berlinguer reform. Rejected all seriousness to the concept of assessment and the economy, substantial diminution of university education with the provision of local competitions with as many as three place winners. This rule, through the crossings barons of favors between sites, has created universities that are repositories of local families with a percentage of homonyms of names that exceed 50%.
The recent "reform" has some rules are not wrong in principle, but put in an already dying will surely get worse! For example, in the whole world know that the thirtysomethings have contracts to private law and only six years after the competitions are to be role-playing. But now researchers in Italy have a role in competitive disciplines escape, imagine now that do not even have the role and earn € 1500 when abroad
Minimum is 3500! It 's just one of the comments, let alone the cutting of funds, or even more
centralization of power to the ordinary.
Unfortunately, in a process of decay of 40 years, I believe that it is the principle of democratic reform and "negotiated" that no longer work. I would like Napoleon, which meets three days with experts and redesign all over again! And then the guards Impose starting off with (as Napoleon!) All charges to barons, rectors, deans and directors who are almost always (I know natual meritorious exceptions, but they are just a few) the guardians of the interests of caste, if no family, instead of State!
It 's a certain utopia, but it is difficult to say something true if not. Wise wants you to put
to protect the university, you say. Perhaps, in any case do not see how the rules from the policy followed so far have produced nothing positive.
course, many people resist with some dignity and perhaps even useful for our students. Also I try to do it, I try not to offend too much for personal and general rudeness and try to work with more seriousness and more love for this job I can.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

I'm A Male With A Swollen Tender Breast


Dual use as needed ..

Happy New Year to all!