Sunday, November 28, 2010

Myott Son Co Rosemary

Talk at the Symposium at Carleton University

Introduction by Lorenzo Imbesi, Speech on the Economy of the Urban Projects Diane Tremblay, Speech on UrbanVoids ; Antonino Saggio

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Niña Chupando Polla

December 5, turn the video of "Evening at Nuvembar!

Dear Public
as you may already know the evening of Sunday, December 5 at the pub we Mataluna to shoot the video for Nuvembar Sera, the song that best embodies the concept of friendship for us and that usually closes our concert. Starring will be friends & Ciappi Hermes (Alberto) (both musicians Phoenix in Arabia) and us we will be among the people ... that is among you! play a joke drink to laugh with you all. Friendship is a party at our shows us that feeling you breathe, so we decided to do this video so ... all of us, all of you, and a nice pub to serve as a side dish.

I enclose the coordinates from Google Maps to reach the Mataluna for those not familiar:

View Larger Map

And also the coordinates to come to our next concert, or at a restaurant in Sadurano FARM (FC )

View Larger Map

Thanks buddy and see you soon!

Friday, November 26, 2010

Resetting A Compustar

Before the Scenes - Episode 3:

Hello Dear Audience!
To keep you informed about the implementation of our cd, we are publishing today a chat between Manu and Cres about Ravenna, music, Romagna and of course, on this CD. If by chance you
're wondering why we are putting more of Pink Floyd, you just need to find out by clicking play!

front of the scenes 3: Cres & Manu interview street

The second part of the cultural Zavala will be published next week!

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Gorean Slavery Pubic Hair

....tutto un altro coso

the series "Today I feel like flowers ......." I did some pin
After having exhausted the first "thing", I found another "thing", but this serves to make the flowers and is called "f lower loom " is hilarious.

For those not familiar, check it out

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

What Can I Do With A Dummy Phone

Speech on UrbanVoids at McGill Lab Jobs University

Where is It ?

Implantation Bleeding On Ultrasound

talk on the street in front of the scenes, the story of Radis

First Episode: Friday, 04/16/2010

9 pm Friday, April 16: it begins! you wear on stage tools, luggage e. .. 10 liters of wine.
Our trusty engineer Duna (Andrea Scardovi for the uninitiated) began to place in the hall sound, computer speakers ... we begin to assemble the tools unexpected and to improvise theater pieces worthy of Moliere's best to have just finished reading Ionesco. On the contrary, and drunk.
Things are so many to be prepared and waiting for the less busy start to explore the Russians to understand what will be the bar in which to step down in the days to follow. Camera in hand, they take the opportunity to gather opinions on various current issues. Soon the police burst into the theater with weapons drawn, ready to arrest us all. In fact, we are accused of subverting public order interviewing passers-by with uncomfortable questions. This is not true, maybe the answers are uncomfortable, but the questions we have not made us.
Cavina lunch break at home, where we drowned in industrial quantities of very good things. (Thanks again to my mother and grandmother of Mark).
In the afternoon, then begins recording, film, coughing, sclera. The songs all sound good to the first incision: within two hours, the disc is ready. Vocals and mixing included. No, not true ... is a fish of April 16. I wish it were so. But the work is good, and you pull on until 23, with a fast break for a pizza.
go to bed happy but cooked.
Oh I forgot: we meet with other engineers that Jury and Matthew. Very good too, and cooked as we are at the end. When the work is completed could happen two things: either become our biggest fans, or we will remove.

second point: Saturday, 17/04/2010

Saturday morning. It 's my birthday and I do not even remember ... me remind my friends to the stage when, after the first few minutes of testing, bring me a brazadèla (= bun) with 31 candles on it! that kind! But there must be a mistake: in fact I will be 21. (I do not believe that nobody has thought ...) Saturday morning we loaded
: now we face the most challenging pieces with great energy and a lot less swearing (already rumored to have seen anyone near the bell tower crack, the day before ...) Other Cavina
lunch at home, support various other bars nearby and tours for the immense historical center.
the afternoon we reached a bit 'of friends over to our graphic Robytz trust company that will make us all weekend, there are Alice Bezzi taking pictures, and Mirella Bandini Close to return to work, and guides us a gift part of a tambourine in music. The police are not seen .... maybe they forgot about us? After dinner, listening to the work done. At midnight, we leave the theater. With some friends we stopped in a pub for a quick toast to myself (I get older and people are happy, beautiful friends ...) and then off to bed that we are still patrol tomorrow!
a special thanks to Denis and Elisa, who after two hours we were well up for work ...

third point: Sunday, 18/04/2010

Unlike in the Sunday is dedicated not to record voices, applause and raspberries but to finish the important things in the days before needing a limatina .... Cres, resigned, he resigned and joined a band instead dixie that is playing in the square.
have lunch together ... guess where? and then continue filing and hearing in the afternoon. Sabrina and Brian
We reach for other services photos and videos (thank you thank you thank you) and the police still do not see ...... maybe they give up? demorso? demordicchiato? how do you say?
arrived on Sunday evening, the moon shines in the sky, sleeps through the city, only be a man in frack.
last theatrical performance during the disassembly of equipment and tools, cleaning up the theater, and so, this is done.
the next episode the story of the next sessions! entries are still missing and a lot of work!
(at this point you expect maybe you say something more about this record ... what songs will be, what kind of work we have in mind .... but no, I do not say anything, yes yes they are aging becomes even more treacherous and ignorant.)

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Ice Cream Soothe Heartburn

....fiori d'inverno

have flourished in spite of all this rain ...................

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Diagram Of A Vw Sand Rail

theater in front of the scenes ... waiting for the CD! Important

In the meantime you announce that you must all be December 5 to Mataluna , pubs Rossetti (Bagnacavallo) hearth and friend, because about 22 pm they shoot the video of our song ... EVENING AT NUVEMBAR! We want more friends possible to appear with us in this video.

And waiting for the CD ... see what happens before the scenes (the scene of Russians)

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Monday, November 15, 2010

Get Xbox Hdmi With Normal Hdmi

Happy news! New site

After exhausting research we come to the truth! We managed to get to the heart, the source, the beginning was the Word-In
................... Happy Menghi. He is the inspiration, the inistro him. The bottle were poured from his original words that were sung for many years and toast in all the taverns of Romagna.
And if today we all scream out loud "ZAIRA FORCE!" It is thanks to Felix, lyricist and founder of Malardòt, who sat on the toilet with a bottle of wine, he composed the song from which we have taken the funny "The Zaira. Felix said: "S'avès a damigianina AVU, a work would be in the fat Intira.
Our next toast goes to him, unfortunately passed away some years. Thanks to
Vassura in turn musician / alcohol in Malardòt, which has enlightened us on this matter and made known to the exploits of this colorful character.
That said, if you do not know what to do tomorrow night, you and I know the Umbrel a chélz in t'la door to imbariaghé s'anden néca tonight. Olé!
[Cres & Manu]

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Pregnant But Cervix Is Very Low 5 Weeks


Some results of laboratory test
IV D with the assistance of Di Raimo, Spogli and Naticchioni

go here if you want more



De Francesco

De Pasquale

De Sanctis








Friday, November 12, 2010

Yard Fungicide That Kills Ringworm Spores


Hello Dear Audience!
E 'with joy and impatience and a glass of wine in hand, we inaugurate this new space on the network, to have a blog where able to keep up to date about what we do. The dates of the concerts and the tunes are already available on our myspace page , but the urge to have a dialogue with you and many more things to tell me to create a site much more discursive. Gradually add then il calendario concerti, biografie, foto, curiosità, il lettore mp3 per ascoltare i brani etc.
Saranno pubblicati qui anche tutti gli aggiornamenti che inviamo tramite newsletter, comunicati vari, link ad amici... etc
Per il momento, buone sere ad nuvembar.... e a presto.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

1995cavalier Trouble Shooting

for video conference in Turin on architecture and Modernity

Conference at Politecnico di Torino
Each generation must rewrite its history. Follow Audio
Ibs A 20% discount and free shipping volume >>

Wednesday 10, 17.30, Castello del Valentino

Monday, November 8, 2010

What Doesalyx Blood Machinedo

The death of Gianfranco Marrucci

A ceremony was held today on the steps of Valle Giulia for the prof. Arch. Gianfranco Marrucci that has been mentioned, among others, by Umberto Cao and Massimo del Vecchio, friends and colleagues of the study.

Friday, November 5, 2010

How Many Calories In One Shrimp

Exhibition at Deutch Architektur Museum in Frankfurt

Al Dam Frankfurt and presented some of the most interesting skyscrapers in recent years. The first prize in the project The Met

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

What Do Teething Gums Look Like


My knitting does not stop piùùùùù ..............