Monday, June 29, 2009

Can A Virus Raise Blood Pressure


The church had been carved into the rock, by dint of a pick and shovel, almost entirely bare hands. The sight to anyone who had been introduced for the first time, would have taken my breath away. The only source of light came from torches hanging on the ceiling of the cave, and swing hanging from the top, gave the idea of \u200b\u200bstrange atavistic religious objects of worship.
I went back powerful memories of the war in my mind, so fiercely that I could not put a logical thought in action. We had been on that lawn, that spring from the infamous bloody deception. All. No one had returned. Yet some of us continues to live. Like me. We were veterans. Veterans. The re-conducted at home. But that letter came in one morning in winter, while snow was cradling the infant ears, and then long trains of soldiers on the border, guys like me, finished in the spring in a distant world, avvlto smoke, where he died.
thousand seven hundred and twenty bodies wrapped in white shrouds had to watch, 1720 stars in a cloudy sky. We were two thousand. We went back.
Now I have the blood on my skin, and which do not have to worry about whether my own or that of a partner, or another who, like me, thought of having to kill, otherwise I would have done. I no longer wash in the evening, when murderous eyes hanging from the peaks, from each tree, from the pits of concrete. Now spring returns home. The field in front of the porch is full of white daisies. White flowers, one thousand seven hundred white flowers, butterflies, cocoons destroyed, this evening shadows linger as anxious about me.
The church was hoping to find a different sky. But the battle could not bury her. I tried, returning to fish, to propose a trade: my memory, in exchange for a pike. But someone there he fell and held the pike.
I stayed in that field. The time has buried me, the time it takes an innocent to die. Can not change history now.
The storm affects our warriors, while are still far away. The sky turns purple, hot air is a sphere, and the forest turns to gold. After the forest, the city fades into a yellow and black blanket. In the field does not stop the war. The hammer blow here has run down to the height of its power, where the invader has spewed a million soldiers.
Soon we realize that it was not a time to surprise our troops. Nothing is left behind. Needless to return home, every thing that has always been, now crashed.
And there is nothing more than we knew before. Today
remain in this church, as if I tried to talk to someone. In fact I stay in here alone, because I'm trying to understand. I have to understand what it means god.
And I sensed something: it is not in this church. Then
is an ideal retreat.
Every stone, every breath of fire, every yearning of the earth that calls for rain, it is only one aspect of God, is only a vague sense of reality.
I understand why I was told today that they are no longer alone. The priest is human, says we are all brothers. I understand why he says it.
The fire and wind, water and air are free things, not part of any thought.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

How To Replace Inova Battery


Ballad mysterious, perhaps circulated Staig fighters in North America, towards the borders between Canada and Alaska. We do not know much about rhythm and moss, but it is almost certain that it was not accompanied by a choir instruments.

Jutting arms as old-growth white bones to the moon, while
emerges from the womb of the old sergeant
dark flower that opens on the border of life,

uncertain steps rode in the shadows the quiet end.
Yet tonight the story-driven mammalian hung
looks different, my lord, and perhaps that is about to die, for that
sergeant left here in this lunar
spree that only our heavenly realms spread of Sirius listeners.
under that tree the sergeant saw the ultimate challenge, he dueled
commands such as honor,
Araman son has become the story of his soldiers,
and now sits under the tree, watching the moon
small mowing the stars while in patrol patrol
sing the mammals away from the sergeant.
Who knows, between us, as between them, such as eyes at the end
welcome the soldiers who sleep under the tree now?

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Pilar Montenegro Fight


were coming at the end of history, to realize their destiny.
Light Years of travel, made their lives forever on the decks of huge spaceships, moving from world to world through the many dimensions of Physics.
Momenti scanditi come la polvere di una clessidra collettiva, da pensieri rimasti a casa, sulle verande delle fattorie, fra i campi di grano, e nelle mandrie.
L'echeggiare della loro storia tornava impetuoso come un rio di una giungla pluviale, creando nebbie di ricordi.
Isoltati dal loro mondo originario, perso per sempre, cominciarono a ricordare cosa accadde...

accade prima di adesso :


L’aria friggeva di sangue ancora caldo mentre evaporava dai corpi dei soldati morti, sparsi su tutta l’infinita pianura. Il vento del bled its way northeast from the sea by attacking the survivors, making their bodies, their limbs and their nerves as stiff as dried cod. The front line had surrendered. The snow was mixed with blood and earth, in a pulp that reshapes the sides of the minor hills. But on which side had won in the game was not yet clear. The multitudes of corpses seemed to redesign new ranks, a spectral army whose ranks were almost endless. I tried to govern in a dignified manner, the bent of mine, I only had a handful of fighters, but I had to bring them home. At home ... I was often laughing thinking of this word. Those unfortunates had a house yet? How long have fought now? Years? Tens years? Centuries? Who now remembers most the way home? As far as I'm concerned, if ever the time I had ever had, now most certainly did not possess even a family home. For the rest of my soldiers, I think it was the same. Females? I had lost all the wars, and two years ago began to circulate that at first appeared to be a psychological attack on the enemy, but then coll'andare out of combat, it became clear as an actual tactic of war: at home we were wiping our women . One warm spring morning last year, a flock White metal passed over our heads, so much equipment that moved as a single creature in the sky. The multi-faceted creatures vaporized a blue-yellow cloud into the air, which cools and fell upon us like hail. Pieces of a strange dry ice as big as fists rained down upon us. But the pain from the blows it was nothing compared to what came later. The glass fell on earth, the sun melted them and vaporization. The smoke of their vapors seemed intoxicated, but while the male soldiers had nothing worse than an irritating cough, females began to vomit blood, to fall to the ground writhing, and then one after the other died. At that point there was that war. We and the dead: we and the war. We still had to fight back because by now we would never return.

Now the Sixth Army armor Royal Attack, Sacred, did not remain but shadows of a dark past, oblivious of their way back to fight for them to wander in the rest of the centuries to live through history. We left a few groups of fighters, about nine departments, mine was reduced to six-eight individuals, I was a captain and I was now the responsibility, being dead our arcoonte (you would call Colonel). I chose Duke, but I have to say? A popular fury of a people with no more rage ...
struggled in the taiga, buried in snow up to the biting ginoscchia, when it appeared almost from nowhere to a top eight feet from the golden armor and white uniform. The group is compacted, he drew the only weapons remained possible: our swords. It was a part of the enemy, and the appearance of that officer, seemed to be the winning side.
- You are holy? - Erupted with a deep voice, high-sounding.
I turned my gaze to the survivors and warriors replied,
- The sacred belligerent included a staff of three hundred thousand soldiers, twenty thousand Track appliances, ten thousand laser pointers, a hundred thousand carriers torpedo-to-air and surface-to-earth, a thousand batteries in air pressure and a million reduction of frequency .... According to this she sees is sacred? -
The officer dropped the gold and silver helmet, shook his head, moving the thick white hair of gold; - For what I see, this is still the brave handful of SACRED. -.
We looked perplexed among us.
- I know who I am honored to speak? - I asked.
- Of course, Captain. I am Gheshan Thun, Thun-Baille's family, I come from an outpost of my kind is not far from here.
And I wondered how it had come to end the war. -
- Talk about the war as a game ball ... -
-The way we see there is not much difference. But even though we tried to see in horror as an army of brave has been destroyed, we could not intervene. -
- Intervene? Who are you then? One of the lords of light? -
The way to talk about that individual, clothing has now become an immaculate white coat only, perhaps an effect due to the temperature down, look for abyssal depths, but essentially without expression, reminded me very much of a figure of 'ambassadors' and during those years of war absurd , had made several unsuccessful attempts to reconcile the parties.
- We have completed the women. - He did, without much playacting.
- as we know, sir.
- you do now? - Continued
- I do not know ... we will try a new way to exist.
I did not even believe it very much.
- Exist? You think you have the time to come to you?
- then we should die, do you think? - replicai infastidito.
-Morire? Oh, no, no… per carità non fraintendetemi. Perdervi sarebbe per noi una grande sconfitta.
- in che senso state parlando, signore?
- Nel senso che ho il compito di rintracciare i sopravvissuti della SACRA e condurli in salvo. Ora ho trovato il suo gruppo, capitano. E vorrei che la vostra nuova esistenza cominciasse con noi. Sapete chi sono, e di cosa è capace la mia razza, vero?
- So chi siete e da dove venite, signore. Non posso fare altro che ringraziarvi per il vostro intervento…
- State morendo Capitano Khann Iurchi, quanto tempo pensa di poter mantenere in vita il suo gruppo di eroi? La temperatura scenderà ancora e poi ancora…stiamo entrando nel buio of the winter night. There are at least two years of darkness, and do you think?
- We fought with the winter night ... - I did, but it was as if he knew that being where we wanted to go.
- His pride makes her honor, and his soldiers deserve any respect. - Continued - but if you accept my proposal will be sentenced to death without a name. Alone in the snow, one by one. Who will remember the more glorious your life, your courage, your epic battle?
- we lost, sir. It was not epic, it was a mess. We have definitely lost ...
- I understand his disappointment and his pain, Captain of Clan Irchunn shan, I know that people are Honour and arms.
- You know a lot about us, sir.
- Yeah. For centuries we follow your race, and I know that you fight to defend the existence of the species against coalition forces against you.
- there are two worlds that we would like to extinction, and maybe today they succeeded. - I replied.
- Come with his band together with me, follow me to my bed. - He did, as if he were throwing on the table an offer indispensable.
I looked at my soldiers. Bodies were wrapped in gray rags, that perhaps they had already prepared to die. The ice ferocious bite their hands, the nails had fallen from their claws, the meat of the arms and face had almost been exposed to air. The skin was burned. The wounds of some smelled rotten. Hunger made us feed our now dead: a relentless source of food, as far as the horizon lined the taiga perceptible. We no longer had any reason to return. Our world had collapsed under the impact of devastating war for civilization superior technologies. Our way of life as we knew it was over.
- And the winners? What do they do? - Asked
- They agree that a new world order without you there could be survivors.
- this sounds great to me! We consider it like animals and now they want to govern with us?
- No, sir, do not get me wrong. There would destroy them on the spot. But we us that we have put a brake on their desire, because we believe that we can not rule and create a new system without you.
- We have also followed during our 'retreat'?
- Yes, Kann IURC, since there would be hunted down in the heart of the taiga, and have completed their mission to exterminate.
- Why have stopped then?
- Why are we persuaded to put their energies into a project infinitely more useful. Now they have won the war, and there is no reason to waste more lives. Their general under our Board are committed to not pursue us, leaving us to do our job. You are essential to our design. -
- But now those in power in this world?
- We are the 'conductors'. But every instrument in an orchestra plays and composes his part. No instrument is more important than another, or the symphony out of place and fails.
- And what is your symphony, sir?
- Long ago there were those who deceive us, stealing the most precious and condemning all ... we have to struggle to survive while he took possession of the most beautiful world possible. We'll be back in that world, fixing things, and each race will have a better life, without death. Responsible for this mess will give us back what we took, not in battle but by treachery. That is why the world needs warriors and men of honor as his soldiers, Khanna IURC. -. We followed the

be very light in its base.
The place was an exceptional purity. Housed inside the mountain was a refuge where the air seemed eternal and clean, the lights were hot and diffuse, and the inhabitants seemed to belong to different species, some who never had the opportunity to meet others that seemed familiar .
- Welcome back Gheshan. -
He made an officer of the place, wrapped in a heavy coat as white as light.
- Thanks Muasart. -
said - I see you've completed the mission, I am pleased. - He said, looking at me, then turned to me - I'm glad Iurchunn the clan is still alive! -.
I made a gesture with his hand to extend my gratitude, but the officer looked at me with a weird edge. He remained motionless. Then she whispered, sounding very quietly: - We must take care to always be aware of how we move, I think ... Khann IURC Gheshan will instruct very well on this ... you will create a new generation of reptiles, capable of holding a power wide, will be the pillars of a new world order. But first we must learn to manage their body to be able to operate on other bodies. -.
said the officer looked Gheshan, who remained absolutely unmoved, and took leave.